[Archived - RigsK] [UPDATE - NO CHANGE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE] Limiting IMVU Studio Product Edits in Classic
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Posted by “RigsK” on November 16, 2021.
[Archived]UPDATE 12-21-2022
Thank you everyone for your candid feedback. We have read each and every one of your concerns and understand the frustration some of our Creators are having. Transitioning to a new platform from one that is so familiar can be challenging. It sure has been a big for us and we appreciate everyone that has chipped in to help us work through the issues between Classic and Studio. We literally could not do this without you!
Rest assured that we are not removing Classic or the old Creator Tool, but we are continuing to move forward with new features that might only be available in the new game engine (Glow maps, reflection maps and iridescence are coming soon!) There will come a time where Classic will eventually need to be sunset, but it will not happen before we integrate the needed features and functionality that you've grown to love from Classic into Desktop and Studio. And we have quite a ways to go.
With that being said, we have made the decision to not implement this change until we can get Studio into a much more stable state for you. We realize now that it might have had a much larger impact on your workflow than we originally thought because of the compatibility issues you have brought to our attention.
Ideally, if you encounter an issue where a Studio published product does not look correct in Classic, there should be a path to fix it in Studio without having to go back into Classic to do so. Over the next few releases we will be concentrating heavily on this backward compatibility.
@Drosselmeyer has already posted a few solutions to some of the current issues. Please check these out:
In our latest version 1.2.2, we've added the ability to hide the names over your actors to make animated gif or video screen capturing easier among other small improvements We also have a long list of parity features the roadmap for 2022 (in no particular order):
Here's an expanded discussion on other features we're thinking about.
Lastly, I'd like to clear up a few misconceptions about what this change was meant to do. It would only prevent editing or resubmitting your product in Classic if you had originally published it in Studio. You would still be able to edit and publish new products in Classic, as well as edit your product in Studio that was created in Classic. You would also still be able to derive off of a Studio made product in Classic. For now though to reiterate, we will not be implementing this blocker.
If you have specific issues you'd like to share with us, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at studio@imvu.com.
After listening to feedback and giving some additional thought about this limitation, we’ve decided to delay the editing restraint until after the new year.
To help us understand the impacts you’re facing we encourage you to post HERE or contact studio@imvu.com with specific details on what specific issues you’re trying to resolve in Classic Client.
Here is more background on the upcoming change:
As IMVU Studio development continues, we need to consider how products behave when edited in both Studio and Classic Create Mode.
Currently, if you use Classic Create Mode to re-edit and submit an IMVU Studio product, you can introduce bugs that affect all platforms.
To mitigate the issue, we are implementing a small limitation starting some time in January 2022
December 1. If you publish a product in IMVU Studio, you will not be able to open that product for editing in Classic Create Mode.Learn more HERE.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “TeriBeau” on December 02, 2021.
Otherwise, I like Studio very much! I spent some time watching some tutorial videos, and I had no trouble adapting to the new version. I love the detail and shine I can get with Studio.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MENTHOLS” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I’ve noticed that the opacity on studio does not apply the same on client. When working with black opacity it means remove completely, but sometimes when you wear those same clothes on client the opacity is still there and it can not be undone, not even editing on client after editing it on studio. I don’t think I should make 2 sets of clothing, one for client and one studio, that’s a waste of credits, and just makes our shop look unappealing. I even asked for a refund for three items due to this fact that studio functionality clearly isn’t in working order and got denied. I also noticed that sometimes when your working on multiple items on the same project, when your submitting as a new item on that same item, that product does not show up in the mobile catalog, at all whatsoever but It is seen on client. That is oddly strange, with a possibility of hurting sales.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “iSyrk” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]Congrats, you're going to lose some of your best creators and major sources of income.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “dxva” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]Classic client is best, mobile, next, and all the updates IMVU are attempting are counter intuitive and making things worse not better. Can you please tell your designers to get good? Thx
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “ch0ux” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I'm glad you're holding off on the restriction date and I hope you do actually LISTEN to creators. My current workaround is to do certain items in Studio (hair, clothes, visible wearable items that don't require triggers), and certain items in Classic (scalers primarily, which are used by the vast majority if imvu users! and if I ever got back into making avatars I'm sure I'd be making them in Classic).
The main problem I've noticed is your lack of product versatility options in Studio. Classic allows for access and interaction with the debug menu, as well as the ability to change a product's mesh ID, so we can make items layerable, or more importantly imo, fixing an item compatibility issue. These are super important features, and they NEED to be brought to Studio.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “KozzWolf” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]An issue I been having and why I still use both programs is, Studio still won't load any products that has poses removed. If I was to derive the chair using the classic creator first, then I cannot get the product to load in studio for editing so I can add the shine/normal maps. As a work around, I derive the item using studio first, then edit the product in classic creator so I can remove the poses and resubmit.
2nd issue, I cannot figure out how to make a clothing item layerable in studio. So I do it in classic creator instead. then I edit it in studio so I can add the shine maps. If there is a way to make a item layerable in studio could someone direct me to a tutorial how it is done? Thanks
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “VixSinKitty” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I tried Studio, it is slick and all that but it has serious limitations and is buggy, also the extra we have to pay to create an item there isnt worth it to me. So I will probably just stay with Classic Client it works well for me.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “SxylilVixxen” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I've tried to use the studio and honestly it's a cool setup but I like the classic better. It works better for me making my products.​
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RickEros” on December 01, 2021.
[Archived]I could make a comment on how this seems a bit much. I just think that if you made a product in Studio, I don't imagine you'll want to edit it in Classic. I just made a dog in Studio with normal maps and I wouldn't fathom opening it in Classic to edit...but that's me.
I have a feeling there's features, likely for meshers, that aren't solid yet, and thus there is the conflict. Hopefully there's communication and IMVU is getting all the issues listed to fix.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MYNAMEBESEXXIIBARBIE” on December 01, 2021.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “ArianaJamesOL” on December 01, 2021.
[Archived]Classic Create isn't broken so why even create a whole new program I have heard so many that have quit IMVU because of all theses changes they making maybe IMVU needs to stop and think of all the LOYAL CUSTOMERS they have lost and will lose if they keep trying to push stuff on us that WE don't want all this the new tiered VIP is just a money crap keep it up IMVU and you won't have people left to make any money off of maybe you need to stop and think long and hard because keep this up and people will leave.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “1Adier” on December 01, 2021.
[Archived]Would be nice if Imvu worked with us, not against us. Oh well see what happens next year.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “EmpsCamiDrakconus” on December 01, 2021.
[Archived]Its also not fair to those of us that have to use the imvu client to make some of our products cause studio beta is not set up for it . Such as doing trigger songs my fiance and I have tried repeatedly to do our trigger songs on other platforms but it just will not work on the platforms except client . and sometimes imvu still glitches and pulls out sound vorbbs on us after we submit and if e cant fix these issues that is a huge problem and we will lose customers cause you ant to shut down al editing for us ?
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “GypsyButterfly” on December 01, 2021.
[Archived]I am glad you are holding off on the change. I basically can't get the studio to run on my computer. I think my graphics card is too slow or something. I have no issues in classic.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Polystyrene” on December 01, 2021.
[Archived]Thank you for listening.
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