[Archived - RigsK] [UPDATE - NO CHANGE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE] Limiting IMVU Studio Product Edits in Classic
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Posted by “RigsK” on November 16, 2021.
[Archived]UPDATE 12-21-2022
Thank you everyone for your candid feedback. We have read each and every one of your concerns and understand the frustration some of our Creators are having. Transitioning to a new platform from one that is so familiar can be challenging. It sure has been a big for us and we appreciate everyone that has chipped in to help us work through the issues between Classic and Studio. We literally could not do this without you!
Rest assured that we are not removing Classic or the old Creator Tool, but we are continuing to move forward with new features that might only be available in the new game engine (Glow maps, reflection maps and iridescence are coming soon!) There will come a time where Classic will eventually need to be sunset, but it will not happen before we integrate the needed features and functionality that you've grown to love from Classic into Desktop and Studio. And we have quite a ways to go.
With that being said, we have made the decision to not implement this change until we can get Studio into a much more stable state for you. We realize now that it might have had a much larger impact on your workflow than we originally thought because of the compatibility issues you have brought to our attention.
Ideally, if you encounter an issue where a Studio published product does not look correct in Classic, there should be a path to fix it in Studio without having to go back into Classic to do so. Over the next few releases we will be concentrating heavily on this backward compatibility.
@Drosselmeyer has already posted a few solutions to some of the current issues. Please check these out:
In our latest version 1.2.2, we've added the ability to hide the names over your actors to make animated gif or video screen capturing easier among other small improvements We also have a long list of parity features the roadmap for 2022 (in no particular order):
Here's an expanded discussion on other features we're thinking about.
Lastly, I'd like to clear up a few misconceptions about what this change was meant to do. It would only prevent editing or resubmitting your product in Classic if you had originally published it in Studio. You would still be able to edit and publish new products in Classic, as well as edit your product in Studio that was created in Classic. You would also still be able to derive off of a Studio made product in Classic. For now though to reiterate, we will not be implementing this blocker.
If you have specific issues you'd like to share with us, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at studio@imvu.com.
After listening to feedback and giving some additional thought about this limitation, we’ve decided to delay the editing restraint until after the new year.
To help us understand the impacts you’re facing we encourage you to post HERE or contact studio@imvu.com with specific details on what specific issues you’re trying to resolve in Classic Client.
Here is more background on the upcoming change:
As IMVU Studio development continues, we need to consider how products behave when edited in both Studio and Classic Create Mode.
Currently, if you use Classic Create Mode to re-edit and submit an IMVU Studio product, you can introduce bugs that affect all platforms.
To mitigate the issue, we are implementing a small limitation starting some time in January 2022
December 1. If you publish a product in IMVU Studio, you will not be able to open that product for editing in Classic Create Mode.Learn more HERE.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “VictoriaAlexandrea” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I didn’t want to weigh in on the issue but as I’ve been working with both here are just a small matter of positives and negatives I’ve run into:
Studio Pro: I like how it is easy to see and transparent about the costs involved. I love the angle feature in order to take pictures vs classic BUT….that came at a cost of other features that aren’t in Studio that are in classic for example:
* no way to easily do a 360 picture easily. I used the yellow circle on the right top side to rotate so I didn’t have to risk zooming in/out by accident
* I can’t just load up one of my furnished rooms
* if I have to switch out the room because of the lighting the other furniture vanishes and I'm forced to start over
* in order to take pictures for the classic version of the product (as it does look differently without the shine and to me that is misleading advertising if I’m showing how it looks on desktop) I have to find one of my rooms with no lighting and I have a LOT of scrolling down to do
Pro: It is easier to take pictures of furniture as it uses the *noresbg feature where in the past if I didn’t like the product for the product icon I’d have to crop it out …BUT…I can’t pick and choose where it is saving the pictures as I liked to have them directly on my desktop for easy access as I made the product pictures/icons the way I could in classic.
Pro: It is easier to create particles but only slightly
But my chief complaints and they are many…
Too many issues with older products not being able to be edited that I have encountered: poses (don’t work/are changed), triggers (hard to find to use or don’t work), animations (too fast, the direction has changed) or use OP maps (overlay issues, halo, edges being too blunt but it is the only way to make it work the worst offender being the MCG area on the body). Trying to find where to go in order to remove nodes from furniture took me forever vs the older version of the program. Worse there is no room available from IMVU to let us see what the product looks like on classic IMVU vs the desktop with the dynamic lighting features in order to take the product pictures. OP/shine override features where even if there are two textures back to back if you use shine on one it over rides the other texture as if it weren’t there or something that is far off in the background is suddenly overlaid “over� the product that is in the front. I had to remove fire from a product because unless I used the 100% harsh Alpha test for the edges vs the additive blend I normally use I had issues with everything with an OP behind it showing in front of the fire!  Worse, a LOT of my products that used animation, especially scrolling don’t load up the same either and I have to go back and forth to see how fast and the direction it was going in the client to try and match it. Another issue is where if there is no texture in the texture slot but an black OP map to delete that texture/part of the mesh (as only those who make the mesh can delete part of the mesh still regrettably, another feature to add in the future perhaps?) it shows as not being there in Studio but when viewed in the client it is there and all in white.
Added to that: how difficult it is to add furniture or other background images other than the exact product and it feels as though I have to jump through hoops to move them around and find triggers for products. In classic it was a lot easier because you could copy and paste *hires… and quickly move the product/paste(ctl+v)/then enter to take a picture it was all done on a keyboard or you could click on the avi to get the triggers to work. I’m still not sure why it asks creators to put in an old product icon when it isn’t even available for viewing unless people go into the classic online style of shop to the actual product page if viewed outside so perhaps a chance to do an actual snapshot of the product as to how it would appear in the new shop might be a better use of that space? Perhaps my chief complaint is something that was quick and easy to do seems to take a lot longer for the most part as there is a lot of testing as well to see how it looks between the classic and desktop version.
I took a look at a few products where I use OP maps to make them look see-through or ethereal looking and even with the added feature there is no setting where I can get the exact same look I was able to achieve in the classic version. I have a LOT of products where I now don’t know if it’s a case of they just can’t be updated in Studio ever or not or if they even work on Desktop and if it is worth the time and effort to test everything.
I’ll also be honest, this angers me. I spent a lot of time and effort making my own textures, making OP maps and having to teach myself as there wasn’t a fraction of information that newer users have now. The idea that there is a catalogue only for IMVU+ when there is no way to fix product so that they can appear on that catalogue is almost discriminatory to your older texture artists. Worse there is no way to change the prices on the older meshes so the newer stuff that is coming out will be at a fraction of the price because those who made the original meshes back at the old prices have their hands tied, and same goes for texture artists who would be at the mercy of the mesh maker taking down the price if it were only an option to make products that took just as much time and are just as good to use/look at unpalatable for those worried about costs. It doesn’t make since that those who make the messes should have to resubmit it yet again which is why I feel that comment applies to Studio.
I can understand how the move is to focus on desktop vs going ‘backwards’ especially with the end life like flash being on the horizon – but – again I ask those in charge to consider how good the client was and find a way to make it work with the newer features and the old way of being able to move furniture about etc as well as allowing creators to have a way to “properly� advertise their products in the new shop because most show nothing or are so far away it looks like there is no product there. The icons are abysmal and I feel like crying when looking at my inventory in studio and I’ll bet I’m not the only one who feels that way. Neither version is perfect but when I have the ability to chose which client and version to use when creating the old client wins hands down except for being able to take pictures which is a very small percentage of what I use it for.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MrsLaniRoseGray” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I have tried to create in the IMVU studio and have had nothing but issue after issue, so have returned to IMVU Classic, it feels like you are pushing us away. I'm not a pro creator, my levels go up and down as I'm experiencing a real illness but I create rooms and furniture and have had success with my products. I derive older products because they work better in Classic, I don't like Studio and or Next, if You are getting rid of Classic, I feel You are throwing a lot of people away as well.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “panoshard2” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I prefer its creation platform imvu classic !!!
the new creation platform is completely tedious :(
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “UStyleVR” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]The only issues i have with the studio so far is that triggers and sound don't always seem to work, not sure if this is an issue or if there is a way to do this, I know its a work in progress which is what we are all doing here, testing and helping to develop it, but that's no different to anything else we use on the internet, Facebook, twitter, and YouTube for example, we report the bugs they fix them. Some of my older products don't work properly in the studio, and since i took time out from IMVU to do my do my other job, (Photographer) which i no longer have, i don't have all the files i need to change the old products, so in the client is the only place they still work properly, and some of those products are still being derived, so to remove the client would bring some big issues for many people. for now i am happy to continue using the studio, happier if the trigger, sound thing could be sorted! I pretty much know my way round it now. I don't find it laggy as many seem to, so that may just be due to network connection speeds or something IDK, i think the textures are so much more vibrant and clear than in the client, and i love the normal and shine textures addition in materials. To me it is a move forward in the right direction, i have been creating for 12 years on an off, i would like to see them both stay in place, even if like someone said, if only for the veteran devs, since that is what we are used to. Eventually i suppose we might see some kind of real time reflections and shadows like in the sims, (raytracing) but that i think might be a long way off, we are on the cusp of a new way of communication, even Facbook and others are catching on to this 3D virtual environment for social media, IMVU are miles ahead, it is the future, don't give up on it yet.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “brokenpassage” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I know that i'm not the only person who enjoys IMVU Classic . it's not only easier and better than the alternative, but i simply enjoy it more . I'm not quite sure why the need to force so many to leave IMVU, but you must have your reasons for doing so . an option to continue using the IMVU Classic Website would be greatly appreciated . i've always felt a loyalty to IMVU over other platforms . i've been on here for over 12 years, and would miss it dearly if forced to leave . Thank You
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Nutti” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]Please do not let the classic version of imvu go away as most users prefer the classic version.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Xenagabby” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I Do NOT like the Next Platform I have used it once or twice on my phone but I DO NOT Like and I Do Not want to use the Studio. I have a new computer and it does not like the program. Please for Us Veterans who have been here since you started keep the classic!
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Candried” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]IMVU Studio (gyazo.com)
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Candried” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I am having a problem with studio. I have been using it alot to try to get use to it and learn about it. But recently one of my heads i did in there is not showing blending on the texture of the face,
I tried to fix it in studio to turn to blend on. I got an error. I brought it into the client and it check marked to blend but the head showed the face lines as it does not have blend on. I'm not sure about the error in studio. I don't know how to fix it. Btw I did clear cache before typing here.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Yy” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]Idk but I feel like IMVU Studio is way harder than classic client. If they're keep pushing me for using studio, I'd love to leave this game..
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “KelDoll” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]You guys should keep the CLIENT FOR VETERANS ONLY we deserve it
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Glenism” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]I gave the studio a try a few months ago and found it slow to upload textures and clunky to use. I can make a product in the classic client so much faster and easier. I like to see how my products look in different rooms before I submit them simply because rooms have different lighting etc, Trying to do this in Studio was like pulling teeth... Before you release something new your main concern must surely be that it's no worse than the old system in terms of speed and simplicity?
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “BunKink” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]If we are forced to switch, I guess I will be forced to leave IMVU. It has already been slowly dying out, and now you are pushing out loyal customers that have been here for years.
This is a devastating move to your business. I have no interest in converting...every creator I've spoken to feels the same.​
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Heavenlee” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]There is no way I'll use anything besides the client..
I love the classic client..
I tries with open mind seeing the studio creating and I HATE IT!!!
if you stupidly get rid of the client, I will retire from creating and possibly leave IMVU for good.
I love to create it's my down time to relax but you get rid of that then what's point in staying ​
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Suchie” on December 02, 2021.
[Archived]Not interested in Studio or creating for/using Beta. Talk to me about Classic Client instead...
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