[Archived - RigsK] [UPDATE - NO CHANGE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE] Limiting IMVU Studio Product Edits in Classic
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Posted by “RigsK” on November 16, 2021.
[Archived]UPDATE 12-21-2022
Thank you everyone for your candid feedback. We have read each and every one of your concerns and understand the frustration some of our Creators are having. Transitioning to a new platform from one that is so familiar can be challenging. It sure has been a big for us and we appreciate everyone that has chipped in to help us work through the issues between Classic and Studio. We literally could not do this without you!
Rest assured that we are not removing Classic or the old Creator Tool, but we are continuing to move forward with new features that might only be available in the new game engine (Glow maps, reflection maps and iridescence are coming soon!) There will come a time where Classic will eventually need to be sunset, but it will not happen before we integrate the needed features and functionality that you've grown to love from Classic into Desktop and Studio. And we have quite a ways to go.
With that being said, we have made the decision to not implement this change until we can get Studio into a much more stable state for you. We realize now that it might have had a much larger impact on your workflow than we originally thought because of the compatibility issues you have brought to our attention.
Ideally, if you encounter an issue where a Studio published product does not look correct in Classic, there should be a path to fix it in Studio without having to go back into Classic to do so. Over the next few releases we will be concentrating heavily on this backward compatibility.
@Drosselmeyer has already posted a few solutions to some of the current issues. Please check these out:
In our latest version 1.2.2, we've added the ability to hide the names over your actors to make animated gif or video screen capturing easier among other small improvements We also have a long list of parity features the roadmap for 2022 (in no particular order):
Here's an expanded discussion on other features we're thinking about.
Lastly, I'd like to clear up a few misconceptions about what this change was meant to do. It would only prevent editing or resubmitting your product in Classic if you had originally published it in Studio. You would still be able to edit and publish new products in Classic, as well as edit your product in Studio that was created in Classic. You would also still be able to derive off of a Studio made product in Classic. For now though to reiterate, we will not be implementing this blocker.
If you have specific issues you'd like to share with us, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at studio@imvu.com.
After listening to feedback and giving some additional thought about this limitation, we’ve decided to delay the editing restraint until after the new year.
To help us understand the impacts you’re facing we encourage you to post HERE or contact studio@imvu.com with specific details on what specific issues you’re trying to resolve in Classic Client.
Here is more background on the upcoming change:
As IMVU Studio development continues, we need to consider how products behave when edited in both Studio and Classic Create Mode.
Currently, if you use Classic Create Mode to re-edit and submit an IMVU Studio product, you can introduce bugs that affect all platforms.
To mitigate the issue, we are implementing a small limitation starting some time in January 2022
December 1. If you publish a product in IMVU Studio, you will not be able to open that product for editing in Classic Create Mode.Learn more HERE.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LadyAndreaCatania” on December 08, 2021.
[Archived]I'm working on some tables which, although made in studio, I am unable to edit in studio. I have tried to edit following the directions given to me by the imvu studio computer guys but studio will not allow me to save the changes and it will not allow me to process the changes. Therefore I have no choice but to use the creator to edit. I have 3 tables which I'm still working on at this moment.
PS - Everyone I have spoken to, says the "desktop" is crap and not worth anyone using. I have told you before, several times in fact..... Do NOT MAKE IT NEW - JUST MAKE THE CLIENT VERSION OVER AGAIN AND FIX THE THINGS YOU NEVER AND STILL HAVEN'T FIXED IN THE CLIENT VERSION.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Faidra” on December 08, 2021.
[Archived]IMVU Client is the step to start and learn creating. It’s simple easy to use by everyone i like it a lot ! IMVU Studio  is complicated  It’s not easy to use  It takes much more time and work. I prefear the classic !!!!
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RainEvenMorn” on December 06, 2021.
[Archived]We switch back and forth countless times between the two programs as there are too many inconsistencies - mainly lighting needs to be adjusted in core. My work flow means I create it in Studio then adjust it to suite core as rooms looks much nicer and polished there , lighting is ambient and id dare say 100% of room customers prefer core for pictures. You CANNOT adjust lighting in beta for shots unless you have a tremendous amount of patience and a few million dollars for the swear tip Jar. For ambient rooms in core using beta (which there is no category for in Studio) you need to set studio to 0.0.0 and basically be prepared to find a opaque black auto product icon . Core is used for all pictures/decorating/adjustments
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “ElderMidnite” on December 05, 2021.
[Archived]I would like to say that doing this will significantly downsize the number of creators and users you have.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “KannaIto” on December 04, 2021.
[Archived]Many of us veteran creators have voiced our concerns. I do hope that we will not be forced to use Studio, I have tried it and am not impressed. I find the client much easier. I personally don't like Next, I only use it to look at the photostream. When trying to create I prefer to see what my items will look like in different rooms. Why would IMVU be trying to change what we have already made good? So from reading complaints and thoughts from fellow veteran creators and people who have been here for MANY years ... do our thought and concerns not matter or is IMVU all about the money now? This is honestly one of the worst decisions I have seen since joining this platform. I hope those of use who have put so much time, credits and money into it? I have a HUGE catalog ... I'd like to think that we are respected and those of us who do not wish for this change won't be tossed aside. We've been here supporting this dang site :(
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Kenzeelaya” on December 04, 2021.
[Archived]@lllHEARTlll​ Yes, it will restrict our ability to go edit products in Client. Studio, is not a very good program from what I am hearing, as I read more and more about it, the complaints are endless, making me decide to just quit, end my VIP, and forget about creating since it costs more to make a product than it cost to but a product. This is totally absurd, and there goes all my hard work, and time spent to learn the Client version. Well easy come easy go I guess, as the old saying goes. There she blows!!!
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “lllHEARTlll” on December 04, 2021.
[Archived]Hi, I have been a creator with IMVU for many years and understand the importance of necessary change, but I have a question. Like many long time creators I have a pretty big catalog which takes time to upload all products to the studio, especially as I am in the process of checking that all my products work correctly in both platforms and editing any that don't. My question is ... are we still going to be able to move back and forth between old create and new studio for editing our existing products, or will the extended restrictions effect our ability to make important edits?
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “BabyAwesome” on December 03, 2021.
[Archived]I'm not an early adaptor, I don't like kicking the tires to see what's working and not working. I want to learn an application once, not endlessly. Everytime you tell us the end is near for the client, I go to studio and it's still doesn't work as expected. It's counter intuitive to have less features and lose functionality in a replacement application.
I will be happy to use it when it works, until then I will read along and try to digest what is happening.
You have your work cut out for you.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “mamabear1231” on December 03, 2021.
[Archived]I like the classic version and I have a hard time working in the beta version. Why can't you make things work in the classic for people who are unable to use the upgraded stuff. Please help us find a happy medium.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “JohnJStone” on December 03, 2021.
[Archived]A large number of creators use imvu professionally, I am certain most of us would very much appreciate some indication of the intentions of imvu development looking to the future.
A good proportion of us see studio as a step backwards in programming but , as it’s beta, perhaps imvu has a plan we are unaware of?
As we feel a loyalty to the business in general, perhaps imvu could do us the kindness to let us know why we are being asked to change, how it will affect us in the long term, and what benefits we might expect in doing so.
The creators on imvu have a vested interest in this future.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Kenzeelaya” on December 03, 2021.
[Archived]Seems like the people posting here, have 100 percent reasonably declared, that you need to keep The Client version, work around the kinks and make it better, don't go backwards, and lose a lot of the people who are bringing your company a profit. Surely with modern technology something can be arranged, and fixed, and corrected in the old version. I am new creator, and I tried the studio version, and really was confused, so I went back to the classic, and really prefer it, I sure hope this can come to a happy ending for everyone.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “foxymae1” on December 03, 2021.
[Archived]First of all, I feel that if a creator wants to use a different platform it's their choice, but don't include the creators that don't. I would also like to say to the creators of the studio, you should've offered that program for Mobil only, not for the imvu client. Those using it could still submit their Items to be reviewed. Also if you keep changing what is already good, you're going to lose those that have patronized imvu for years and get more riff-raff on the sight. Ijs
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “desireetrebelle” on December 03, 2021.
[Archived]Ive been using Imvu classic for 6 or so years and like its simplicity. Im giving Imvu studio a go re practice only.I found when I went to put a background behind avi in Imvu studio .I went to Imvu Studio invento
ry clicked on rooms and very few loaded and had to put in the name of the room for it to be successful. Which is a pain do I memorise all the names of the rooms I have? When you are in classic Imvu you have a taskbar below you to change your avatar ,clothes, surroundings etc so simple. Imvu Studio doesn't have that easy flow. Alot of fiddling around .Surely we can have a harmonious balance of using two especially for the oldies and newbies. It takes time to learn another program and fixing many probs that have to be addressed.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “AlanaE48” on December 03, 2021.
[Archived]Opina Que deberian dejar el classico plis
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Candried” on December 03, 2021.
[Archived]Also the studio is not taking pictures. It does and then other times it doesn't.
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