Hello,Yesterday I was talking to an assistant on my imvu icik account, for impulse reasons, I disabled my account and the truth is I regret it a lot, I would appreciate it if you could restore it for me. Enable, I am the sole owner of the account Here are the data: First email valeriaosorio908@gmail.com
Current mail : valeriaosorio046292@gmail.com
Name of the owner: Yineth Valeria Osorio López
Created on 12/12/2023
Created in Colombia - marquetalia Caldas, I currently live in another city Manizales Caldas in the same Colombian country.
I have made purchases for age, ap and currently bought the one month vip with an imvu card
The last 4 digits of the card I used to make these purchases are: 3364
I also attached said screenshots, the day I bought the ap
Hello,Yesterday I was talking to an assistant on my imvu icik account, for impulse reasons, I disabled my account and the truth is I regret it a lot, I would appreciate it if you could restore it for me. Enable, I am the sole owner of the account Here are the data: First email valeriaosorio908@gmail.com
Current mail : valeriaosorio046292@gmail.com
Name of the owner: Yineth Valeria Osorio López
Created on 12/12/2023
Created in Colombia - marquetalia Caldas, I currently live in another city Manizales Caldas in the same Colombian country.
I have made purchases for age, ap and currently bought the one month vip with an imvu card
The last 4 digits of the card I used to make these purchases are: 3364
I also attached said screenshots, the day I bought the ap
And the bill is mine.
User: icik
Attachments (1)
133 KB
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Ashleyellen posted 4 months ago
Hello, This article explains about disabled account http://im.vu/help395
You can check your payment and orders https://www.imvu.com/next/settings/order/
IMVU pends orders as a security measure
This article explains pending orders
contact imvu
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