Imvu has become officially trash

Posted 4 months ago by Calvin74

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I don’t know if imvu censors these kind of post. But I don’t like the direction imvu is going I know the company has to make money but when it comes to a social platform like imvu customer satisfaction is how you make the money if the customer is satisfied the money will come I’ve been on imvu since 2017 there has been hundreds of features people have been asking for since I’ve joined why are some features available on desktop version that aren’t on mobile? How can you add all these tiers to vip add a new ap+ program and a crypto currency but we can’t get something as simple as a search bar for our inventory on mobile. Why can’t I appear offline on mobile and keep it that way (you appear back online the next day) why when I post my comments and like are filled with bots why isn’t there a feature to only allow people you follow or that follow you to comment or at the bare minimum a way to let me delete peoples comments off my post. I can name a bunch more features. But yall added stuff to make vip seem more appealing but the core foundation of imvu is trash rn which is why I haven’t been on it that much. We need these fixes immediately give the users a good experience the more you try to scrap and nickel and dime the more imvu is gonna go down I love imvu I’ve met lifetime friends who i still talk to and call to this day which is why I make this post. Sorry if my grammar or spellings bad.

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PamelaAnderson posted about 2 months ago

Its very very sad what this website has become...All the good creators have left because they were chased out when IMVU got greedy and started taking any of their profits so they all left..They continue to try to do with away with the classic client which if they ever do that will be the final death blow to this website.They never fix any of the music issues (music muting in rooms after you have been in a room for a while has been going on for years now) and despite putting case after case in about this by me and all my friends and people I has been totally ignored and all they do is send you the same recycled copy and pasted responses hoping you finally give up and go away...Nothing ever gets fixed right on here...The customer service is the worst on the internet for any type of gaming website and the numbers of members on here have steadily declined year after year...They take no pride in their own website and their bad business decisions have slowly destroyed what was a great website years ago...And they will not upgrade it or put money into their own product to improve it at all..Its really sad what this website has become now...The constant crashes, lagging , music issues that never get fixed...a terrible store with the same old recycled items in it and horrible customer service all add up to people just giving up and leaving for good...IMVU needs to wake up and wise up before its too late...

1 Votes


xTheUndertakerx posted 4 months ago

They also have favoritism when it comes to featured room submissions but they lie saying they don't when they actually do, I've tried several times to get my rooms featured only to be constantly denied over and over again and I've tried getting discovered on the feed but it's the same with that too no matter what I do I cant get discovered, and it's bad enough that imvu allows noobs to go into peer review to re rate products just to get creators banned so the noobs can earn extra credits, and also the fact that imvu has become very sexualized with public rooms but yet most ppl on imvu these days are practically kids that aren't above the ages of 18+ and are buying the access pass by lying about their ages like imvu really needs to start listening to customers and start giving a damn and stop acting like a bunch of robots when customers try contacting them

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