I am writing to inquire about the status of my account, which has been on hold for a few weeks now. This issue is preventing me from making any purchases, and I would appreciate your assistance in resolving it as soon as possible.
Could you please provide me with the reason for the hold and any steps I need to take in order to reactivate my account?
I am writing to inquire about the status of my account, which has been on hold for a few weeks now. This issue is preventing me from making any purchases, and I would appreciate your assistance in resolving it as soon as possible.
Could you please provide me with the reason for the hold and any steps I need to take in order to reactivate my account?
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LestatDeLioncourt posted 5 months ago
Hi , this article explains Account Holds and what to do: http://im.vu/help647
How to contact Customer Service:
0 Votes
Meeows posted 5 months ago
Hello, you need to contact imvu to get it off hold https://support.imvu.com/support/home
Non vip takes 1-5 days response. They may ask you questions for you to answer their questions
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