[Archived - Polystyrene] Drastic drop in sales

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Community Admin

Posted by “Polystyrene” on March 26, 2022.


Is anyone else seeing a drastic drop in sales over the last couple of months? I'm down by $1-200 a fortnight on what I used to earn. This is way more than usual fluctuations. I'm worried.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Barrettes” on June 28, 2022.


Realistically, as creators our income is personally affected by the amount of real sales from real credits we earn. Flooding the game with promo credits feels like sabotage to the creators that you ALREADY underpay... what is wrong with you guys

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Barrettes” on June 28, 2022.


I feel like I speak for everyone when I say promo credits in their entirety wouldn't even be a bad idea if you didn't also make our Masa decrease... Why does our Masa decrease anyway? I think it's really weird you guys tell us a month of "bad sales" means we get paid less of OUR money....

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “NewGen3D” on June 28, 2022.


I second this. There is too much promo credits in circulation.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Polystyrene” on June 27, 2022.


My sales are a little bit up but my income is terrible - I'm guessing there's been a flood of promos added to the economy.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on June 26, 2022.


@FemmeDraven​ Clothing

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on June 26, 2022.


I guess the total number of Credits (real credits) spent is highest on Mobile more push to get them on Desktop should be made. Desktop is the complete experience and the long term experience.


Popups on Mobile that invite them to Desktop would help. Pushing to get engineering in for Furniture Decoration on Mobile would be another way of getting them to Desktop. Larger screens show more of the VR and the decoration is so much easier. But Mobile Deco would be another entrance to Desktop.




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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “FemmeDraven” on June 25, 2022.


Which begs the question, if creator sales are down and we're being pummeled with promo credits (4 out of my 6 sales just this morning) what are these mobile users spending all these credits on?

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on June 25, 2022.


Hi @LestatDeLioncourt​ Thank you for the thoughtful post. Just adding some perspective - total Credit spend for mobile users is actually higher than on other platforms. That said, IMVU Classic and Desktop provide much richer experiences and helping new users love them is definitely on our minds. Point taken!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “FemmeDraven” on June 25, 2022.


I agree with all you said and I can't understand why they've pushed mobile with IMVU so much when they've had WithMe in the works and that will be strictly mobile app.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on June 25, 2022.


Everyone knows marketing is detrimental to profit and I am not "downing" the IMVU marketing department. It is probably the ones that force direction of IMVU advertisement and mislead the marketing people. Marketing needs to change with the times. Understrand the scope of my thinking....


The portable marketing investments made are not generating the needed clientele for viable income. IMVU is not making money from the portable market; thus, we area not making any money from these customers. This includes mobile, phones and other cheap portable devices.


When IMVU first took the mobile direction to attract and provide chat for the portable client, Someone forgot the idea was to draw them into the desktop client(s). This is where the "mainstay customers" come spend real money.


I see the portable market causing the bulk of Predit spending. I see the portable client using resources that are not profitable to IMVU or us. The cost of operating servers to provide the portable market. The cost of engineering and continually use resources for the portables in general is not drawing the real "cash" spending customer.


IMVU needs to "throttle down" marketing to the portable side and "beef up" the desktop. Spend marketing money being wasted on the non-profitable parts of IMVU on the Desktops. Attract more users to the Desktop platforms. Even though the Desktop Clients lack a lot of features, it is time to start encouraging people to "Buy a Luxury Home" for pennies. Buy and experience the owning and using that "Luxury Yacht"! Go to the movies with your friends for FREE! Spend a day on the "Beach in Hawaii" at no expense!


OMG in the "Bad Economy" everyone on this planet is experiencing....


How many things on IMVU are so much more cheaper than real life with a "Full Life, Virtual Experience"??? !!! This market is completely being missed!


Most people I talk to on mobile, say "I can't afford a computer!" or "I don't have one but wish I did", etc...


Well Guess What? If they can't afford a computer, what the Heck makes anyone think they can afford real Credits ??? Okay, Lets go down to the waiting line in front of the 'Mission' and try to sell New Cars to those standing there ! What the Heck?


Can't the marketing department take a new direction to lead people to the profitable side of IMVU? Okay, IMVU is tops in the "mobile" experience (are / were) and leading the industry in that field BUT there no or little money.


Move over out of the mud field and punt!



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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DarkAngel5” on June 25, 2022.


Crash and burn!!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Unequal” on June 25, 2022.


All i've heard for close to two months now is "my sales have died/are dying".

Has IMVU come to reach the end of its life for the creators?

I had a little google, apparently IMVU users visit the site for (on average) 10 minutes.

The users also seem to be coming from direct searches for imvu or youtube, and not via ads - so no new users flocking in? Is imvu not trying to advertise at the moment?

In 10 minutes, nobody is gonna be buying anything. 10 minutes is enough time however to collect your daily log in bonuses, spin the wheel and then call it a day. I don't know if IMVU running in the background counts towards activity, but it is starting to look that way.


Transparency with the state of the IMVU store? People moan about lack of sales way too frequently at the moment (me being one of them)! How much have sales declined by?


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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Yannomi” on June 24, 2022.


For me income stays SUPER LOW.. its kinda depressing. More than 10x lower than last year.. and doing the same or even more, with meshing now..

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on June 23, 2022.


Yeah, I am talking about the sidebar ads that say "Buy Tide" or "Try a 2024 Chevy" or whatever. Offsite ads that IMVU gets paid for...

I never saw those pay promos...

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “FemmeDraven” on June 22, 2022.


@LestatDeLioncourt​ I was talking about the ads people click on to get free credits. IMVU is paid by advertisers but people very often get promo credits when they click the ads that pay credits.

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