[Archived - null] [UPDATE - NO CHANGE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE] Limiting IMVU Studio Product Edits in Classic

Posted 7 months ago by Community

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Community Admin

Posted by “null” on November 16, 2021.


UPDATE 12-21-2022


Thank you everyone for your candid feedback. We have read each and every one of your concerns and understand the frustration some of our Creators are having. Transitioning to a new platform from one that is so familiar can be challenging. It sure has been a big for us and we appreciate everyone that has chipped in to help us work through the issues between Classic and Studio. We literally could not do this without you!


Rest assured that we are not removing Classic or the old Creator Tool, but we are continuing to move forward with new features that might only be available in the new game engine (Glow maps, reflection maps and iridescence are coming soon!) There will come a time where Classic will eventually need to be sunset, but it will not happen before we integrate the needed features and functionality that you've grown to love from Classic into Desktop and Studio. And we have quite a ways to go.


With that being said, we have made the decision to not implement this change until we can get Studio into a much more stable state for you. We realize now that it might have had a much larger impact on your workflow than we originally thought because of the compatibility issues you have brought to our attention. 


Ideally, if you encounter an issue where a Studio published product does not look correct in Classic, there should be a path to fix it in Studio without having to go back into Classic to do so. Over the next few releases we will be concentrating heavily on this backward compatibility.


@Drosselmeyer​ has already posted a few solutions to some of the current issues. Please check these out:


In our latest version 1.2.2, we've added the ability to hide the names over your actors to make animated gif or video screen capturing easier among other small improvements We also have a long list of parity features the roadmap for 2022 (in no particular order):

  • Manual camera controls
  • High Density Pixel rendering (for crisp clean edges)
  • Inventory management (for Desktop)
  • Peer review on Desktop
  • More options for NEXT thumbnail images in shop.
  • User Interface adjustments
  • Access to furnished rooms in Studio (not just room shells)
  • Expanding the Category list in NEXT
  • Sound effects support

Here's an expanded discussion on other features we're thinking about.


Lastly, I'd like to clear up a few misconceptions about what this change was meant to do. It would only prevent editing or resubmitting your product in Classic if you had originally published it in Studio. You would still be able to edit and publish new products in Classic, as well as edit your product in Studio that was created in Classic. You would also still be able to derive off of a Studio made product in Classic. For now though to reiterate, we will not be implementing this blocker.


If you have specific issues you'd like to share with us, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at studio@imvu.com.






After listening to feedback and giving some additional thought about this limitation, we’ve decided to delay the editing restraint until after the new year.


To help us understand the impacts you’re facing we encourage you to post HERE or contact studio@imvu.com with specific details on what specific issues you’re trying to resolve in Classic Client.

  1. Step by step process of your flow
  2. Example PIDS that exhibit the issues you’re trying to fix


Here is more background on the upcoming change:


As IMVU Studio development continues, we need to consider how products behave when edited in both Studio and Classic Create Mode.


Currently, if you use Classic Create Mode to re-edit and submit an IMVU Studio product, you can introduce bugs that affect all platforms.


To mitigate the issue, we are implementing a small limitation starting some time in January 2022 December 1. If you publish a product in IMVU Studio, you will not be able to open that product for editing in Classic Create Mode.


Learn more HERE.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “RigsK” on November 22, 2021.


Thank you everyone for this feedback. Feel free to add more of your thoughts.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LittleladyAK” on November 22, 2021.


I think this is a horrible and a big mistake on Imvu's part...The Client is definitely necessary as stated by EricFr for implementing things such as sound, triggers and the like. I believe this is going to cause MAJOR issues with products. I HAVE to use BOTH the client and the studio ALWAYS, As I can see I'm not the only one with this major concern. I don't believe this is going to compliment things. I'm very discouraged with the Studio to begin with and do my best with it but it's limitations are terrible to say the least. and i dont like many things in the Studio. such as the picture taking, nor how the zoom in/ zoom out works for details on a product.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Ericfr” on November 22, 2021.


Perhaps you guys can help me fix the issue I have under Studio with this product that has no issue in the classic client but has issues in Studio. I spent an hour trying to find out how to fix this with Studio with no success: 57054095

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “BabyAwesome” on November 22, 2021.


the most recent product I attempted to publish in studio (on my HairStore acct) was a simple hair, nothing exotic. It came out broken and I haven't been able to fix it on either side. If you want us all to use it, it needs to work and maybe deliver an error message before letting us upload if its not done right. Right now, I am really discouraged.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MissC” on November 21, 2021.


I've been having an issue with Studio, where I set my items to derivable, but they're published as not derivable. I have to go in classic to make them derivable. So I'm kinda worried about this limitation. I'd love to use Studio exclusively, but it's just not as reliable as Classic in some cases. I guess we'll see how this plays out.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “KozzWolf” on November 17, 2021.


A important issue some us creators will have is the category selction is very limited during the submitting process in studio. for example if I was to create/derive a Miscellaneous item such as a food item, currently there is no category for that in studio. I would have to re-submit the product in classic so I can place the item in the proper category.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Ericfr” on November 17, 2021.


To clarify the reason of a re-edit under the classic client, it's mostly because of the triggers mess that the studio is creating that I need to re-edit with the classic client.

An other reason is because Studio takes off sounds effects... so I have to add them again under the classic client.

Now, as there's a few incoherencies between Studio and the Classic client, it's important to be able to do go and forth between the 2 clients to fix things so in the end it works in all clients.

Basically, turning off the possibility to edit in the classic client will only create issues for the classic client that creators won't be able to fix.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Ericfr” on November 17, 2021.


Thanks for the info Drosselmeyer ^^

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on November 17, 2021.


@Ericfr​ I was just informed that the ability to turn off actor names will be going out in our next release at the beginning of December.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Ericfr” on November 17, 2021.


Almost all my icons are animated. So your solution won't work. Please just incude an option to take the names off.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on November 17, 2021.


Hi @Ericfr​, Regarding taking snapshots for your icons, if you use the camera snapshot tool (or commands *hiressnap and *hiresnobg) the resulting images do not include the avatar names.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Ericfr” on November 17, 2021.


Are you serious ? A small limitation ???


On my side, it's almost an OBLIGATION to re-edit a product published with Studio back in the classic client. There's so many errors that studio implements that one must re-edit it back in the classic client.


There's many reasons but one in particular: It's not really possible to create my icons in Studio because it will show the names on top of the avatars. Just this and ebcause of this "small" limitation might forbid me to use Studio.

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