[Archived - null] [UPDATE - NO CHANGE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE] Limiting IMVU Studio Product Edits in Classic
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Posted by “null” on November 16, 2021.
[Archived]UPDATE 12-21-2022
Thank you everyone for your candid feedback. We have read each and every one of your concerns and understand the frustration some of our Creators are having. Transitioning to a new platform from one that is so familiar can be challenging. It sure has been a big for us and we appreciate everyone that has chipped in to help us work through the issues between Classic and Studio. We literally could not do this without you!
Rest assured that we are not removing Classic or the old Creator Tool, but we are continuing to move forward with new features that might only be available in the new game engine (Glow maps, reflection maps and iridescence are coming soon!) There will come a time where Classic will eventually need to be sunset, but it will not happen before we integrate the needed features and functionality that you've grown to love from Classic into Desktop and Studio. And we have quite a ways to go.
With that being said, we have made the decision to not implement this change until we can get Studio into a much more stable state for you. We realize now that it might have had a much larger impact on your workflow than we originally thought because of the compatibility issues you have brought to our attention.
Ideally, if you encounter an issue where a Studio published product does not look correct in Classic, there should be a path to fix it in Studio without having to go back into Classic to do so. Over the next few releases we will be concentrating heavily on this backward compatibility.
@Drosselmeyer has already posted a few solutions to some of the current issues. Please check these out:
In our latest version 1.2.2, we've added the ability to hide the names over your actors to make animated gif or video screen capturing easier among other small improvements We also have a long list of parity features the roadmap for 2022 (in no particular order):
Here's an expanded discussion on other features we're thinking about.
Lastly, I'd like to clear up a few misconceptions about what this change was meant to do. It would only prevent editing or resubmitting your product in Classic if you had originally published it in Studio. You would still be able to edit and publish new products in Classic, as well as edit your product in Studio that was created in Classic. You would also still be able to derive off of a Studio made product in Classic. For now though to reiterate, we will not be implementing this blocker.
If you have specific issues you'd like to share with us, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at studio@imvu.com.
After listening to feedback and giving some additional thought about this limitation, we’ve decided to delay the editing restraint until after the new year.
To help us understand the impacts you’re facing we encourage you to post HERE or contact studio@imvu.com with specific details on what specific issues you’re trying to resolve in Classic Client.
Here is more background on the upcoming change:
As IMVU Studio development continues, we need to consider how products behave when edited in both Studio and Classic Create Mode.
Currently, if you use Classic Create Mode to re-edit and submit an IMVU Studio product, you can introduce bugs that affect all platforms.
To mitigate the issue, we are implementing a small limitation starting some time in January 2022
December 1. If you publish a product in IMVU Studio, you will not be able to open that product for editing in Classic Create Mode.Learn more HERE.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RickEros” on December 22, 2021.
[Archived]I think it's fine you want to wait on changing things. Studio works perfectly fine for me but I'm just a deriver and thus do not know the issues meshers are dealing with. I'd agree to make things solid on all ends before limiting or removing classic. On my end, I think the ability to add sounds would be great, even if Desktop beta and mobile are not ready to use them yet.
With those who seemingly refuse to ever use Studio and demand Classic stay forever...let's be real here. One day IMVU is going to have to pull the plug on Classic. It might not even be by their own desire, but if Windows one day bans 32-bit apps from their OS, and cuts off support so one can't sit on Windows 10 or Windows 7 forever. It's just how things are. I think we all have a right to demand a solid platform to move on to, but we shouldn't be unrealistic and think nothing should ever change.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LilyRICANDwKasai” on December 22, 2021.
[Archived]Hello, my name is Lily and i have been a creator for 5yrs. Maybe when this studio things is fixed, u can keep the Classic Creator in classic as some Creators dont use the studio version. Creators like me likes the classic as its the only thing we are used too. Thank You. Happy Holidays and Happy New Years!!
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Behitha” on December 22, 2021.
[Archived]glad there wont be no change because i have my problems with beta version anyways and i dont like it...
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “KozzWolf” on December 22, 2021.
[Archived]Thank you for not implementing this change and clarifying the classic imvu is not going away anytime soon. I do like the new studio and desktop. but the user interface could be better, like decorating mode. If imvu could make a tutorial how to use decoration mode that would be helpful.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Polystyrene” on December 22, 2021.
[Archived]@TauntaunTonic thank you
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “FemmeDraven” on December 21, 2021.
[Archived]Thank gawds!
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “TauntaunTonic” on December 21, 2021.
[Archived]UPDATE 12-21-2022
Thank you everyone for your candid feedback. We have read each and every one of your concerns and understand the frustration some of our Creators are having. Transitioning to a new platform from one that is so familiar can be challenging. It sure has been a big challenge for us and we appreciate everyone that has chipped in to help us work through the issues between Classic and Studio. We literally could not do this without you!
Rest assured that we are not removing Classic or the old Creator Tool, but we are continuing to move forward with new features that might only be available in the new game engine (Glow maps, reflection maps and iridescence are coming soon!) There will come a time where Classic will eventually need to be sunset, but it will not happen before we integrate the needed features and functionality that you've grown to love from Classic into Desktop and Studio. And we have quite a ways to go.
With that being said, we have made the decision to not implement this change until we can get Studio into a much more stable state for you. We realize now that it might have had a much larger impact on your workflow than we originally thought because of the compatibility issues you have brought to our attention.
Ideally, if you encounter an issue where a Studio published product does not look correct in Classic, there should be a path to fix it in Studio without having to go back into Classic to do so. Over the next few releases we will be concentrating heavily on this backward compatibility.
@Drosselmeyer (IMVU Staff) has already posted a few solutions to some of the current issues. Please check these out:
In our latest version 1.2.2, we've added the ability to hide the names over your actors to make animated gif or video screen capturing easier among other small improvements We also have a long list of parity features the roadmap for 2022 (in no particular order):
Here's an expanded discussion on other features we're thinking about.
Lastly, I'd like to clear up a few misconceptions about what this change was meant to do. It would only prevent editing or resubmitting your product in Classic if you had originally published it in Studio. You would still be able to edit and publish new products in Classic, as well as edit your product in Studio that was created in Classic. You would also still be able to derive off of a Studio made product in Classic. For now though to reiterate, we will not be implementing this blocker.
If you have specific issues you'd like to share with us, we'd love to hear from you. Email us at studiobeta@imvu.com.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LadyAndreaCatania” on December 15, 2021.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “gowns” on December 13, 2021.
[Archived]Though I like the new features of Studio, it's definitely not ready yet.
I have been using it for a while now but still have to go back to edit some of my products with Classic to get it right.
It still not good or ready for many meshes submitted with Classic.
Take this coat with soft and fluffy fur effect as an example: https://www.imvu.com/shop/product.php?products_id=56823026
This mesh was designed to allow texturers to change multiple fur shell layers' material in one click, works like a charm in Classic but when derive
with Studio, the .xrf all got messed up so had to go back to edit with Classic
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Roksugar” on December 13, 2021.
[Archived]Femme hun, it's a free market out there and there are hundreds of skilled 3d modelers. It's their job to create and sell - or even give free - their projets. In my opinion IMVU should pay more money the meshers. They spend weeks for a mesh and finally they get paid the same amount as the developers who just texture. That was a suggestion of mine in the past to IMVU but nothing happened. If the IMVU meshers were well paid believe me none of them would sell their meshes. Merry Christmas!
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “FemmeDraven” on December 12, 2021.
[Archived]@Roksugar Quote: "You should do something for "meshers" who just download free meshes from sites and submit them as theirs. With no personal work they earn more money than we are when we spend most of our day in meshing."
If the folks who create the meshes weren't giving them away or selling them this wouldn't happen but this is IMVU's fault because they have hobbled creators in nearly every way possible over the years and many people who once made a decent living creating meshes for IMVU are now struggling so they sell and give away meshes to make up for losses due to IMVU.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Roksugar” on December 12, 2021.
[Archived]Hey there. I am writing as an old and experienced mesher in IMVU for the last 10 years. Well, there are so many bugs you need to fix first and then think about any change in create mode. We need over a month to create a bundled room mesh and finally doesn't work when you try to open it in the shop. You know that many months now and do nothing to fix it. This means no sales and a monthly work for nothing. Animations some times don't work because of bugs and many more others. Now, you are about to stop the classic create mode. Why? To make our life more difficult? I tried many times the Studio and every time unistalled because I was trying to change a texture and needed over 3 minutes to load. In the opposite in the classic just a second needed. Moreover there is a problem when reads animations from FBX files. Last but not least. You should do something for "meshers" who just download free meshes from sites and submit them as theirs. With no personal work they earn more money than we are when we spend most of our day in meshing. I have no problem to change Studio from Classic but ONLY when everything in Studio works perfect. Till then keep both cause you are going to loose many meshers, many developers and of course much more money.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “FemmeDraven” on December 10, 2021.
[Archived]I am of the same thought process as @BabyAwesome. I'm not going to slave away learning Studio only to encounter problems and changes over and over again. I am not a free product tester and my time is worth more than you're paying (nothing) to report problems encountered in Studio. I've downloaded it several times and then uninstalled it after finding it wouldn't do the things we need it to do...not like Classic does (baby hairs is a huge issue and those have to be done in Classic). My question is if you implement this change where products created in Studio can't be edited in Classic will that also stop derives of Studio products in Classic? There are a few meshers who are submitting through Studio and I am able to derive in Classic but is that going to stop because if it is there's going to be a drastic drop in those of us deriving Studio created products.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “IICHEFII” on December 08, 2021.
[Archived]I am writing to express my dissatisfaction with ur decision.
Though the Studio worked well but NOT well enough to satisfy everyone. Most of old Creators use Classic Create Mode.
Changes unfortunately or fortunately are not for all people.
You have to accept the fact making this move losing customers.
Leaving both options Classic and Studio leave room for everyone to choose, all I see is blackmail!!! IN BETA NO LIGHTING FOR SHOTS NO TRIGGERS MUSIC.. And u know...music is the answer..
Think about it! People love Classic....
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Mellinnia” on December 08, 2021.
[Archived]I really don't understand why have to change everything we know till now, in something new for us and more difficult for the new creators and us too.The most of the creators we use imvu professionally.Imvu client is the step we start to learn creating most of us.And i think we will all support it .Let's think about imvu users who can't use beta and the creators that can't use beta and studio too.I totally agree with Kenzeelaya too,try to make better the Client version,you will lose a lot of the people who are bringing your company a profit.
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