[Archived - SheSlays] Why does my Age keep showing as 3. It is NOT 3. My Correct age is 30 Years Old.
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[Archived - Juniorvu1] Why did my account get disabled
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[Archived - adriana79357] Hi, i got an one day ban, it s been a day and still no ban lift. will i get it back?
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[Archived - BellaLove210] How long do you have to wait until you can log in back to your account after too many attempts
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[Archived - pipsqueak18] Why wont my promo credits work when i have credits to use them. Keeps saying Error has accurd
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[Archived - MiniMeMwah] How do l report a user
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[Archived - MiniMeMwah] Why is my account banned
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[Archived - alberto070382] the restriction so I can continue enjoying it, I have already had my alberto070382 account for 14 years.
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[Archived - LestatDeLioncourt] VPG Unaroused Genitals Rule is NOT being followed.
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[Archived - Tata756] Imvu asked me to get in touch to remove the restriction on mine and I really want to activate it again, just verify my identity
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