[Archived - Quesia11] I want to re verify my age verification
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[Archived - CocheciCristina] Hi, I have an old account, I remember the name and last password but it did't work, I don't remember the email, I want my old accound, it's possible to have it back?
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[Archived - PIutoo] No one is helping me get my imvu account back please help
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[Archived - SteveTadALT] Hello. My main is SteveTad and when I tried to login, it says "Your account has been disabled for 7 more days". Why? Whats going on that my account has been disabled for 7 days?
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[Archived - ChaicaAlqassimi1] Why do I get error even I am going to events and I dont do anything?
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[Archived - ChaicaAlqassimi1] How can I go into my account that is banned even I didnt do anything to get it banned in the first place?
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[Archived - Ghostface976151] Re-activate my account
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[Archived - Ngocox] forgot my password
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[Archived - Pudim914745] Hi, I need help please, my age is wrong when typing, I put the wrong age, could you help me?
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[Archived - SheSlays] Why does my Age keep showing as 3. It is NOT 3. My Correct age is 30 Years Old.
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