[Archived - null] IMVU Studio Beta stuck on grey loading screen. How do I fix it?
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[Archived - RigsK] Introducing ‘Creator Connection’
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[Archived - RigsK] create.imvu.com
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[Archived - null] Hey, anyone know if you can download imvu studio on chromebook using linux, i already know that you can download the imvu client on there xD
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[Archived - TauntaunTonic] IMVU Studio ver. 1.3.1 has been released
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[Archived - null] User analytics?
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[Archived - null] WHY ARE MY IMVU STUDIO PRODUCTS GLITCHING ON CLASSIC???! I made new dressed in IMVU Studio, they look fine on Mobile, but classic....they have sleeves that aren't there. I try to edit it, and I can't because the sleeves are ALREADY remov
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[Archived - ValentinaVDRMoney] How do I add my name to my catalog photo?
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[Archived - null] I can't drag and drop textures in IMVU studio, how else can I save them to my mac?
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[Archived - GypsyButterfly] Why is Bitdefender blocking Studio?
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