Talking $$$$ Bored Alpha tester

Posted about 2 months ago by Yinwolf

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Hello Imvu, hopefully this post reaches the right eyes. 

As i said on google play store, i was an Alpha tester for Imvu (name was like Tigress####  then Yinwolf and YinSevenSin .my account was hacked and then disabled ( i say this cause i want them back in return for these ideas) 

So, ive noticed the upgrades in the pop-up app , which is kind of similar to the original pop-up pretty cool, a little hard to navigate at first.

They  grey is very nice for the eyes so i don't think that should change.

I understand fully that IMVU is not a game and just a place ot have 3d avatars with games built in.. i dont know if that gem game is still connected, but that was pretty fun. maybe expand more on that and add rewards, you have promo credits and $$ credits.  Expand on the promos. 

you have creators that build furniture in games in maybe have events \. contest to expand on that. ways to get your consumers engaged.

i loved the groups on the forum pages ], but its hard to find them now with this upgrade. i was also  apart of a 3d modeling group that also made IMVU magazines . maybe find a way to make the forum groups more active again. I know $$ is an issue and you don't want to do 3rd parties for credit buying again AND THATS FINE. but as I've read a lot of reviews. that seems to be an issue,  but I've just gave yo some ideas to help balance that.  games that reward, contest that rewards. a way to make forum groups and your old imvu page popular again. The younger ones coming up are missing the myspace profiles that you guys.

i Also use to make music videos and compared to secondlife i think this can be an easy fix.. they yellow bottom that allows you to sit on furniture or any other pose in your rooms, its soo annoying trying to get out of the click when i want to move my model in mid recording, NOW im not saying add a whole controller to your codding .. That'll change IMVU to much and it would start to fall in the gamer category more, when its really a chat place. 

everything else your creators do for fun on their time. as i mentioned, making games inside furniture. AND no this is not me saying the obvious that someone might say in the office " take it out" NO STOP THROW THAT PERSON OUT THE ROOM. IM saying Capitalize on that, make it benefit you and the creators that made it, Shyt and maybe start paying out creators who make stuff. I've seen people who have been on IMVU as long as i have that still get on here just to make outfits. 


NOW my community : those of us who got on here to roleplay fantasy worlds we have been kind of pushed out by the dating pool people who only come on to find "love". Which could easily be fixed maybe by adding a "im here to RP"  cause imvu is an escape for those who dont play games but they do love to write. IMVU basically Killed Xat(dot)com because people could bring their OC (original characters) to life digitally. i want you all to know THAT WE WERE YOUR COMMMUNITY. now we are on secondlife.. well not me not yet cause i dont wanna spend extra money. When i built so a good digital  closet. 

so yeah as a recap: 

More games that reward promo credits

~put more eyes on personally profiles again

~put more eyes on group pages and maybe reward the owner monthly credits when they reach X amount of people in their group(so they can "pay" members or gift members fir whatever)

 ~Remove the yellow button or add a record screen for those who make music videos/ promo videos

~Capitalize on furniture with games already built in (make ADs)

~Promote for Role-players 

~The phone app is okay. im not a real fan of it, cause i dont like being on my phone. i don't get why we have to see ADs

~I've looked at the code and its really clean, so i know it wouldnt be that hard to do some of the changes

~Im also just looking at Vcoin so i see some of my thoughts were already implanted hahahaha! but its not being Capitalize ?? idk  if you guys are as i just read up on it.. first time clicking it actually.. i wanted to give a proper brain dump while im here so i clicked it.

While im at it..i clicked on Discovery rewards.. yeah most of my things i said can EASILY go there " decorate your profile" , "join a group" 

Also i see you took the game out :/ sad that was one of the things that kept me coming back.

you should really put an Arcade section that gives rewards 


and thank you  to Belle for responding to my playstore

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