Hello, good evening, I wanted to ask you something, do you know how you can know in some way how to know who or what user reported you?
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27 days ago
Hi, there's no way we can know who's reporting you/us. you generally cannot directly see who reported you as reporting is designed to be anonymous to protect the reporter from potential retaliation; therefore, there is no way to definitively know who reported you on platforms simply to like social media apps: IG,Facebook,e.i.
Hello, good evening, I wanted to ask you something, do you know how you can know in some way how to know who or what user reported you?
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Davon posted 27 days ago
Hi, there's no way we can know who's reporting you/us. you generally cannot directly see who reported you as reporting is designed to be anonymous to protect the reporter from potential retaliation; therefore, there is no way to definitively know who reported you on platforms simply to like social media apps: IG,Facebook,e.i.
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