As the title suggests, I am unable to complete the installation of the toolkit. When I drag the downloaded toolkit, I am met with this window + a second window with 80 lines of code. I'll paste it below in case its useful and I've bolded the 45th line referenced. Hope someone can help, thank you
Ah! You are using 3ds Max 2025, which we do not yet support. Unfortunately, Autodesk did a major overhaul of the menu system in 2025 and this is one of the things that has broken. I have it on my agenda to address this, but have not done it yet. An updated version of the toolkit with 2025 support should be available soon.
As the title suggests, I am unable to complete the installation of the toolkit. When I drag the downloaded toolkit, I am met with this window + a second window with 80 lines of code. I'll paste it below in case its useful and I've bolded the 45th line referenced. Hope someone can help, thank you
// Creation Date: 11/8/22
// Author: Greg Smith (gks)
// Name:
// Description: This script adds and/or rebuilds the IMVU menu on the main menu bar when
// the IMVU tools installer is run.
// Limitations:
// Revisions:
format "Imvu Menu script loading\n"
MENU_SEPERATOR = "seperator"
-- Items are #(<string>macroScriptName <string>macroScriptCategory)
#("StudioToolkit", MENU_NAME),
#("ResetTransforms", MENU_NAME)
--Function: MainMenuBuilderLoadMacroScripts
--Desciption: Loads all the macros before the menu script to insure they are available
--Parameters: none
fn MainMenuBuilderLoadMacroScripts = (
macroFilesList = getFiles ((getDir #userMacros) + "/imvu/*.mcr") recurse:true
for file in macroFilesList do (
format "ImvuMenu Loading: %\n" file
fileIn file
--Function: MainMenuBuilderAddMenu
--Desciption: Adds the custom menu to the Main Menu bar
--Parameters: <string> menuName <array> menuItems
fn MainMenuBuilderAddMenu menuName menuItems = (
local mainMenuBar = menuMan.getMainMenuBar()
-- Rebuild the menu if necessary
local theMenu = menuMan.findMenu menuName
if (theMenu != undefined) then (
while theMenu.numItems() > 0 do (
theMenu.removeItemByPosition 1
else (
theMenu = menuMan.createMenu menuName
-- Add/re-add the menu in case it was manually removed by the user. :(
local menuFound = false
local numMainMenuItems = mainMenuBar.numItems()
-- Per Maxscript documentation This is zero based index, but the Main Menu doesn't like 0
for idx = 1 to numMainMenuItems do (
if (mainMenuBar.getItem idx).getTitle() == menuName then menuFound = true
if not menuFound then (
local newMenuItem = menuMan.createSubMenuItem menuName theMenu
mainMenuBar.addItem newMenuItem -1
-- Populate custom menu
for item in menuItems do (
local itemToAdd
if item == MENU_SEPERATOR then (
itemToAdd = menuMan.createSeparatorItem()
else (
itemToAdd = menuMan.createActionItem item[1] item[2]
theMenu.addItem itemToAdd -1
-- Update the Main Menu bar
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Drosselmeyer posted 2 months ago Admin
Ah! You are using 3ds Max 2025, which we do not yet support. Unfortunately, Autodesk did a major overhaul of the menu system in 2025 and this is one of the things that has broken. I have it on my agenda to address this, but have not done it yet. An updated version of the toolkit with 2025 support should be available soon.
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