I would like to say about I had a pose for along time and I'm a AP imvu took it away cause it was unappropriate I have to say the hole game is unappropriate only adult should be playing it and I'm not a kid so why take away things that people buy it's not right
I would like to say about I had a pose for along time and I'm a AP imvu took it away cause it was unappropriate I have to say the hole game is unappropriate only adult should be playing it and I'm not a kid so why take away things that people buy it's not right
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Ashleyellen posted 3 months ago
Hello, you can contact imvu to look into your items reviews https://support.imvu.com/support/tickets/new
how to contact imvu and reply http://im.vu/help1097
how to created ticket on mobile http://im.vu/help769
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