Creating an animation that starts at a custom position

Posted 4 months ago by NukoKingF

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I tried to make the bones of the object start animation in a custom position (Ishu) as shown in the image, but the avatar just collapses and moves.

It works normally in stance.Idle.

Is there something wrong with the settings?

Please let me know if there is a solution.

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Drosselmeyer IMVU Staff

Drosselmeyer posted 3 months ago Admin Best Answer

Hi  NukoKingF, I found the issue. It is because of two things: 1) you have a number in your seat name. I changed 'Seat01.Ishu1' to Seat01.Ishu' and all of the animations work. 2) To have the furniture animate you need to name the action/trigger 'stance.Ishu-seat01'. NOTE: the 's' in 'seat01' must be lowercase. Also, you have too many animations. When I export and import into IMVU Studio I get 3 animation files (XAFs). There should only be one the animates both the seat node and the mesh. I would expect the seat node to be a child node of one of the bones in your armature.

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Drosselmeyer IMVU Staff

Drosselmeyer posted 3 months ago Admin

Yay! Happy to here it is working for you.

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NukoKingF posted 3 months ago

It worked by changing it to stance.Ishu-seat01! Thank you, this problem has been completely solved!

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Drosselmeyer IMVU Staff

Drosselmeyer posted 3 months ago Admin Answer

Hi  NukoKingF, I found the issue. It is because of two things: 1) you have a number in your seat name. I changed 'Seat01.Ishu1' to Seat01.Ishu' and all of the animations work. 2) To have the furniture animate you need to name the action/trigger 'stance.Ishu-seat01'. NOTE: the 's' in 'seat01' must be lowercase. Also, you have too many animations. When I export and import into IMVU Studio I get 3 animation files (XAFs). There should only be one the animates both the seat node and the mesh. I would expect the seat node to be a child node of one of the bones in your armature.

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Drosselmeyer IMVU Staff

Drosselmeyer posted 3 months ago Admin

I would need to see your Blender file. Can you send it to I am confused by why it would work in stance.Idle and not stance.Ishu1. Since this is a furniture product stance.Idle acts on the furniture not the avatar.

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NukoKingF posted 3 months ago

Drosselmeyer,Thank you for your comment.

I know how to do that.

What I want to know is I want to create furniture that starts an animation at a specific node.

Currently, if you try to move the avatar with stance.____, the avatar becomes deformed.

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Drosselmeyer IMVU Staff

Drosselmeyer posted 3 months ago Admin

Hi NukoKingF,

Looks like you are trying to make a custom sitting pose or animation? You got the seat and action naming correct. There are just some steps you will need to do. You will need to use the Animation Tool along with the Furniture Tool. Click 'Append Animation' and then position the avatar in a sitting position using the armature controls and keying them at frame 1 and at least one other frame. (Note: a minimum of 3 keyframes are necessary for IMVU but the exporter will automatically add keys at the end of the animation length). If you select 'Make Pose' you will get an FBX named 'Pose_Control_Armature.fbx'. If you do not select 'Make Pose' you nam: your animation and you will get an FBX named Animation_<your_animation_name>.fbx, for example 'Animation_custom-sit.fbx'. Once you do your export you will have 2 FBX files, one for the furniture and one for the avatar animation (or pose). In Studio, import the furniture FBX, for example 'Furn_anim-custom-sitting.fbx' then import the avatar animation FBX. When you import the avatar animation the skeleton for the product will be updated with the avatar skeleton. You will need to set it back to the furniture skeleton that was imported, for example 'RootNode.xsf'. Important: When you animate or position the avatar, do not move the avatar root node. When the avatar is placed on a seat the root node is aligned with the seat node. IF you move the avatar root node you may get unexpected results and the avatar may not be positioned correctly.

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NukoKingF posted 3 months ago

Thank you

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Ashleyellen posted 3 months ago

Hello, I will pass it to staff to help you . 

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