Hello imvu, are you okay, I hope so, so imvu came here and said the following, there is a person releasing this dubious link here (Don’t worry about Findvu being closed! FindGu is here with the Private Room Viewer, offering exclusive experiences. You can find us on our new website: findgu.net.!) He or she keeps creating new accounts and comes to the room and posts this link there, flopping the room and whenever it boots or blocks, days go by, this person comes with another account, releasing the same link in rooms, and then the account disappears on the same day, but comes back with another one, could you do something about it if you can, thank you imvu.
Hello imvu, are you okay, I hope so, so imvu came here and said the following, there is a person releasing this dubious link here (Don’t worry about Findvu being closed! FindGu is here with the Private Room Viewer, offering exclusive experiences. You can find us on our new website: findgu.net.!) He or she keeps creating new accounts and comes to the room and posts this link there, flopping the room and whenever it boots or blocks, days go by, this person comes with another account, releasing the same link in rooms, and then the account disappears on the same day, but comes back with another one, could you do something about it if you can, thank you imvu.
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Davon posted 4 months ago
Hi this article explains on all you need to know about reporting: http://im.vu/help774
This article explains on what to do with harassment http://im.vu/help723
How to contact customer service:
How to file and respond to a ticket http://im.vu/help396
How to file and respond to a ticket on mobile: http://im.vu/help769
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