Here's my list of improvments for IMVU

Posted 5 months ago by IlMidnightlI

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  1. Starting on a quick note - it's great that IMVU will get AP+ but when will it be available for everyone to get it, and I feel if we paid for AP. it should be a free upgrade or at last $5-10 max 1 time payment not a subscription.

  2. I personally think form my long years being on IMVU, that people still prefer legacy client then the new IMVU next desktop on their PC's it's what we been using for years and why not the IMVU developers will show some love to us, and improve it, not just bug, fixes, like the one earlier this year, when profile picture won't load. you did fix after like 1 or 2 days, so give improvements to the OG client.

  3. Can we have a improvements on the poses in the room example instead of the dots we can we implicate an system where you click on ex a chair, in your room and you put multiple sitting poses example, sitting together, kissing etc, you can have a preview on the pose that you want to pick and your avatar will appear on the pose, of its like a 'couple' pose you can select what pose and with who you want it with. and it will only show up for the other party, no one else in the room.  Therefore the rooms will be easier to move around and there won't be a sea of dots in 1 place.

  4. Can we place be able to have like an own special mini chat in the room so we could have multiple conversations at once, and not having it all in one big box, where you can easily get lots on the plot. so like a better version of whisper but for everyone. And since it will be free you can choose if the mods can see the other mini-chats or not, but the owner should see no matter what, since its their room, no matter if one has VIP or not.

  5. Chat Logs can we please have chat logs for the Owner and maybe an option to give that to the room mods, so if they would be any negative behavior like (bullying, sexist comments,, the owner can see it or the chosen mods and timeout/ semi-ban the people from that room, and they have to give the expiation why they give the timeout ban from the room.

  6. If the mod is being cocky because they're in the position of power (kicking people out from the room) the kicked out person can still report that behavior to the room owner and the chat log will be available to them, as what acurę on that situation.

  7. There's a lot of rooms on VU that have in their description of this sex only, either male/female/trans etc. can we have the option added to IMVU, when someone its creation their room, just like they choose if its, GA/AP/VIP, for everyone/no guest users or only their friends, can we have a option for sex like male/female, so if it's only female room when a men will try to join in that room it will pop up [you may not enter the room because  you're not right sex: female which this room is for] but it would let the owner the room its its a male still join.

  8. Can we add a thing to a marriage pack that it will always show your wife/husband the current location even if they're in the room, that the other person is banned from they should still allow to enter the room, same with Private rooms, but only do that if both parties agree to it.

  9. Can we have a room voice chat, that can be moderated by the room owner & mods, you can have like Room Voice chat 1 the names of the users that have conversation it it, and you click to join and wait if you allowed you to join or not. If 2 other people in the room are talking by themselves it would be Room voice chat 2 and the 2 usernames, because for sure while someone likes to talk to their friends on here, they could also talk while they'd hang out together.

  10. Can we have updated profiles, so people would click on someone and they'd know what language they're communicate in example me Mainly Polish secondly English, so you can people could set their room that only the chosen languages can enter the room and just like you can see the room language example English, the room card would say Also people that are speaking Polish may enter. Therefore people would find it easy to connect with each other, and not wonder, why they might have been booted out of the room, if they try to force a English conversation in a room that's not mainly set to English.

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