Two Improvements Needed to Using a Bluetooth Keyboard on Mobile!

Posted 5 months ago by Jessica23x

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Two things really ruin the visual and functional experience with using a Bluetooth keyboard on mobile!

1. When typing the chat box automatically maximizes over the game screen ruining the visual experience.

2. Hitting enter on the Bluetooth keyboard does not input the text into the chat box. You have to press enter on your mobile keyboard still.

Please adjust the functionality so that we can type while still viewing the game on screen above the minimized chat field on the bottom and not maximizing the chat box automatically. We will still be able to choose between minimized and maximized on the screen itself. It is terrible to type with a Bluetooth keyboard and not be able to view the game at the same time.

And allow the physical enter button on bluetooth keyboard to input the text as well so we don't have to reach to the enter button on the mobile keyboard.

Another great addition would be to make it so we don't have to touch the text field on the screen to start typing. If just beginning to type on the Bluetooth keyboard would allow us to start typing on screen that would also really improve the experience.

Thank you!

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KittyN3000 posted 3 months ago


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