even time i am in my own room and my friends room that are ap and ap rooms and i try to say things i keep getting hit with ur message wasn’t delivered due to a possible community guideline violation every time and never had this issue and its annoying since i paid for the ap pass and it doesn't to in public rooms but in my own rooms i pay money to buy and make and etc can we get this issue fixed please
12 Votes
Sorted by
3 months ago
in every chat you talk in imvu can see it. Trust me on this. I got in touch with imvu about something one time and they even told me what room I was in. So they see everything. I think we live in Russia
1 Votes
3 months ago
Why say anything here you all dont listen to us. I have to pay to be a grown up here? Really. Ap is a joke here. You have young kids using thier mother and fathers to get ap and going in this rooms and having sex rooms and photos all over this place. imvu you need to look what your web site looking like. Other chat form are laughing at imvu asking if its like red light center., But with alot of kids in it.
1 Votes
4 months ago
im sick of IMVU telling us to "change how we say stuff". NO. we purchased AP to be able to have "adult" conversations in our own rooms and with other AP users! even ROBLOX had a better censorship system than this! this is unacceptable!
8 Votes
4 months ago
I don't think it's a bug, I reported it and was told to change how I talk even though I wasn't using explicit language and was in my married room private with my husband and we both have ap.
5 Votes
4 months ago
I'm AP. it's happening to me now when talking to other AP users, be it in messages, in public AP rooms, or private AP rooms. I paid money to be allowed to be "explicit", dammit!
3 Votes
5 months ago
i’m having this issue too! Except i’m not using AP i’m just having normal chats with my friends and they keep flagging random words like mv (music video) and dancing! I wish they would fix this
2 Votes
6 months ago
Its getting on my freaking nerve! even the most normal words get this message! its fcking annoying!!
so I just read through the Community Guidelines to see if the violations I have been getting are fair according to those and it seems like there is a bit of ambiguity when it comes to se*ually explicit content, one point of the guidelines says that you should avoid explicit content, and another part a bit later says that if you are going to engage in explicit content, ensure that all parties present are consenting adults with AP. I feel like the most simple solution would be to run a quick check if everyone present has AP and age verification, then turn off most if not all censorship.
If IMVU is going to lock all explicit RP behind a $5/month paywall with the new AP+ program, I think they will be killing their own service.
2 Votes
6 months ago
i just talked to imvu and this what they have told me feel free to pass it around Apologies. We've moved to a new chat tool and are fine-tuning it. We apologize for any inconvenience. Your message was not delivered due to a possible Community Guidelines violation. Note that we may not get it right 100% of the time. This is why we say “possible” Community Guidelines violation. If you feel that your message shouldn’t have been blocked, feel free to try re-phrasing it. Simply re-typing the same message will not be successful. For more information, you can check this KB article: http://im.vu/help1016
2 Votes
6 months ago
i was trying to say a medication my mother was on and the auto responce clicked on. this is rediculous!
There may be a bug and Staff should know. If you still have questions, contact customer service. How to contact Customer Service: https://help.imvu.com/s/contactus
1 Votes
6 months ago
I have been experiencing the same problem since last night. Even though I purchased AP, my messages are not being delivered for this reason. Did you get a response?
5 Votes
6 months ago
and i follow the rules and i dont say anything bad i keep the adult word and i never use sexest and slurs and etc words
3 Votes
6 months ago
im having the same exact issue as well, on my own public AP room everything is fine, but on my private rooms, i get this same message everytime
even time i am in my own room and my friends room that are ap and ap rooms and i try to say things i keep getting hit with ur message wasn’t delivered due to a possible community guideline violation every time and never had this issue and its annoying since i paid for the ap pass and it doesn't to in public rooms but in my own rooms i pay money to buy and make and etc can we get this issue fixed please
12 Votes
Nathaiell posted 3 months ago
in every chat you talk in imvu can see it. Trust me on this. I got in touch with imvu about something one time and they even told me what room I was in. So they see everything. I think we live in Russia
1 Votes
Nathaiell posted 3 months ago
Why say anything here you all dont listen to us. I have to pay to be a grown up here? Really. Ap is a joke here. You have young kids using thier mother and fathers to get ap and going in this rooms and having sex rooms and photos all over this place. imvu you need to look what your web site looking like. Other chat form are laughing at imvu asking if its like red light center., But with alot of kids in it.
1 Votes
Kanjiirahlni posted 4 months ago
im sick of IMVU telling us to "change how we say stuff". NO. we purchased AP to be able to have "adult" conversations in our own rooms and with other AP users! even ROBLOX had a better censorship system than this! this is unacceptable!
8 Votes
lxKyexl posted 4 months ago
I don't think it's a bug, I reported it and was told to change how I talk even though I wasn't using explicit language and was in my married room private with my husband and we both have ap.
5 Votes
Kanjiirahlni posted 4 months ago
I'm AP. it's happening to me now when talking to other AP users, be it in messages, in public AP rooms, or private AP rooms. I paid money to be allowed to be "explicit", dammit!
3 Votes
Guest posted 5 months ago
i’m having this issue too! Except i’m not using AP i’m just having normal chats with my friends and they keep flagging random words like mv (music video) and dancing! I wish they would fix this
2 Votes
HAlDES posted 6 months ago
Its getting on my freaking nerve! even the most normal words get this message! its fcking annoying!!
3 Votes
Davon posted 6 months ago
Hi @Armabloodrose & all; IMVU is aware about the censorship. Please read more here: https://support.imvu.com/support/discussions/topics/154001065609
1 Votes
xLiminalityx posted 6 months ago
so I just read through the Community Guidelines to see if the violations I have been getting are fair according to those and it seems like there is a bit of ambiguity when it comes to se*ually explicit content, one point of the guidelines says that you should avoid explicit content, and another part a bit later says that if you are going to engage in explicit content, ensure that all parties present are consenting adults with AP. I feel like the most simple solution would be to run a quick check if everyone present has AP and age verification, then turn off most if not all censorship.
If IMVU is going to lock all explicit RP behind a $5/month paywall with the new AP+ program, I think they will be killing their own service.
2 Votes
AmaraBloodRose24 posted 6 months ago
i just talked to imvu and this what they have told me feel free to pass it around Apologies. We've moved to a new chat tool and are fine-tuning it. We apologize for any inconvenience. Your message was not delivered due to a possible Community Guidelines violation. Note that we may not get it right 100% of the time. This is why we say “possible” Community Guidelines violation. If you feel that your message shouldn’t have been blocked, feel free to try re-phrasing it. Simply re-typing the same message will not be successful. For more information, you can check this KB article: http://im.vu/help1016
2 Votes
KyKyna posted 6 months ago
i was trying to say a medication my mother was on and the auto responce clicked on. this is rediculous!
1 Votes
LestatDeLioncourt posted 6 months ago
Just for reference, here is a link to the Community Guidelines. https://www.imvu.com/next/policyhub/communityguidelines/
There may be a bug and Staff should know. If you still have questions, contact customer service.
How to contact Customer Service:
1 Votes
Bossybabe posted 6 months ago
I have been experiencing the same problem since last night. Even though I purchased AP, my messages are not being delivered for this reason. Did you get a response?
5 Votes
AmaraBloodRose24 posted 6 months ago
and i follow the rules and i dont say anything bad i keep the adult word and i never use sexest and slurs and etc words
3 Votes
Jordh7 posted 6 months ago
im having the same exact issue as well, on my own public AP room everything is fine, but on my private rooms, i get this same message everytime
2 Votes
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