When using desktop version of Imvu there are various things i’m unable to do that I would if I were using old client (Macbook doesn’t allow old client.) I’m trying to turn off guest entering my room, but that isn’t an option for rooms setting on desktop, and I also cannot find a way to change my room pictures, I can’t find an option like I could on old client as well.
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6 months ago
The chat problems seem solved for classic and desktop, I'm not sure about Mac. Peer review still got the kaptcha problem.
When using desktop version of Imvu there are various things i’m unable to do that I would if I were using old client (Macbook doesn’t allow old client.) I’m trying to turn off guest entering my room, but that isn’t an option for rooms setting on desktop, and I also cannot find a way to change my room pictures, I can’t find an option like I could on old client as well.
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JanXuan posted 6 months ago
The chat problems seem solved for classic and desktop, I'm not sure about Mac. Peer review still got the kaptcha problem.
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JanXuan posted 6 months ago
Hello @aimsley, imvu seems totally messed up. We lareay have a thread about those problems, both in clkassic and in desktop: https://support.imvu.com/support/discussions/topics/154001065399
Feel free to join in.
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