Posted 6 months ago by ASultryWoman

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Getting tired of waiting. When will Ap+ launch?

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Petrazenka posted 6 months ago

About a week ago I wrote something in a thread that is similar to this thread. Since this thread has the same theme as the other AP+ thread then what I wrote there needs to be written here as well; else it will get buried and go unnoticed in the background of AP+ threads that share same theme. 

Those of us who already paid for Access Pass a very long time ago have been good customers for many years afterwards. We have paid so much money to this site that it feels like an insult to be asked to pay even more money for something that should be part of the Access Pass we already paid for. 

January 20 2010 I paid for name registration and Access Pass when I joined IMVU. Ever since I have bought credits and room packs many times; I was even VIP for a few years. I am not in the mood to pay more money for something that should be part of the regular AP. 


12 Votes


Petrazenka posted 4 months ago

With such a high price on any given AP+ item and only being able to use those items if one continues to pay extra every month then I predict not many will try it and even fewer will continue to have it after the novelty wears off. 

The only way AP+ would ever become popular is if it was either a one time payment or free to all whom already had AP.

Why pay such a high price for any given AP+ item if one also has to pay even more every month to be able to use the items one has paid a high price for?

It would only be fair if one got a refund for all AP+ products bought if one loses the right to use those items if one stops paying for a subscription for AP+. This is why it would be wise to make AP+ either free for anyone whom already has AP or a one time payment.

If I had AP+ then I doubt I would ever buy an AP+ item because it would be a conditional inventory item that I would lose access to if the person who gifted me the AP+ subscription suddenly stopped paying for it. Personally I would never pay for a AP+ subscription.

I already paid for AP and Age verification.... 


10 Votes


Petrazenka posted 6 months ago

AerinTauriel and Sylaraia I'm not as surprised by how much money / credits IMVU want people to pay as I'm surprised  by how much people are willing to pay to invest their time and effort to do the work of testing.

It's often in the best interest of the potential customer to first say NO to the salesman. If the salesman then returns without lowering the price then it's in the best interest of the potential customer to stand their ground and say NO instead of caving in. Only when the salesman lowers the prices should a even lower price be countered by the customer. From there negotiations can begin until a final sales price is agreed upon.

My counter offer would have been: folk who do the work of testing should get everything tested (AP+ and products) for free and be paid promo credits for their time and effort.  

My counter offer to the working AP+:  AP+ should be free to all who already paid for the regular AP, especially since these so called AP+ products are so expensive.

10 Votes


ASultryWoman posted 6 months ago

To whom it may concern. Keep on with this new nonsense  of trying to squeeze  money out of us  you will find yourself declaring bankruptcy, behind the fact you seem to have the business plan backwards. You need us to pay your bills and make a profit. We don't need you for anything. So instead of badgering us you should be kind to us by making the site inviting and a pleasant place to be instead of alienating your paying consumers.

9 Votes


Kanjiirahlni posted 6 months ago

I swear, i think they're censoring people from saying "explicit" things in the chat now unless they're AP+. this is legit me, by myself, in my own AP room. 

9 Votes


Kaa265012 posted 6 months ago

The comments from all are saying pretty much what I said originally about this new AP+. I was offered to be a tester but I refuse to pay money to test their work for them. I have paid for AP Age verification and pay my VIP monthly add in the coins and shared room etc so I am not going to pay more for something they offered and then removed and now want it back again. To think they will charge us for it and then set huge prices for items is not on, AP+ must be free to all who hold AP already.

8 Votes


AerinTauriel posted 6 months ago

I've been thinking about this AP+ and AP ,in general. I don't like that the room has to be public, also, why do I have to have the minimum of 3 in a public AP room? I'm not one of these people who likes others too watch.  Shouldn't there be no minimum if the room is Ap? I mean, not everyone here what's to share those intimate pixel moments. I get the GA minimum or 3, makes sense. But imvu really needs to think about what ADULTS ,who signed up and paid for ADULT products really want from this site. 

7 Votes


Sylaraia posted 6 months ago

Pfft.  I just got notification that I've been accepted as an AP+ Beta tester - provided I pay them $5 a month for the privelage of doing work for IMVU.  Not going to happen.

6 Votes


RedMaeker posted 6 months ago

I have been here 15 years. There's no way they need to charge for a test period. Just allow BM that's already here. Its all about money. For all intents it appears they like teasing the community.

6 Votes


Guest posted 5 months ago

like i said before it's scam, vu think people are stupid to pay for this dumb AP+, some of y'all need to wake up face it, vu robbing y'all pocket 

6 Votes


ASultryWoman posted 6 months ago

Tonight there was improvement. I only got the censorship warning once. However, that is still one time to many.

5 Votes


SydneyVicious posted 28 days ago

AP+ Will be so expensive if we ever do see it go live.  Fight back, don't give them your hard earned money to make yet another platform that is subpar.  Fix your issues with the platform you have before you decide to expand into a new venture.  The amount they will charge for items, poses and rooms will be very expensive. I personally will not be switching to this new AP+.. just another way for IMVU to make more money off us.

5 Votes


Guest posted 3 months ago

guy's i'm this close to jumping ship, to second life who's ever in charge, need's to be fire ain't know where in hell imvu charging 5 dollar's month for ap+ whoever running this need to get back down earth, and stop scamming people, don't get me wrong i love imvu but this is lil to much

5 Votes


Kaa265012 posted 3 months ago

This is a adult site and everyone has the right to do as they wish as long as no harm is done to others..We all want to know when and how AP+ will be implemented..yet not a word has been said by IMVU..the silence is deafening and all we want is an update about it. Anyone who wishes to join it deserves the knowledge first hand from IMVU and not speculations as to costs and its format..surely by now they know and have made a decision and its time to let us know..so come on IMVU let us know.

5 Votes


Sylaraia posted 6 months ago

@AerinTauriel 5k to 35k?  Are you serious?  (That's directed at IMVU).  What pose is worth 35k?  Do you people understand that that's $105 in real life money?  IMVU seriously needs to be looking at their competition and what they're doing and why every person I know is leaving IMVU for them.  I'd mention their name, but I'm certain that their name is probably on their double-secret, not published anywhere public list of banned words.

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