yesterday a user spent 80K promotional credits in my shop....this means that I have gifted more or less 80 products to him...and I say gifted because imvu only gives me 1 token per product...what should I do with 80 tokens?.....I work to gift my products? this doesn't seem normal to me....if imvu wants to give this opportunity to users, let him pay us creators....I don't want to work all day for could abolish these promotional credits or put a purchase limit
0 Votes
Petrazenka posted
5 months ago
Best Answer
DEV TOKENS are very useful to developers because they reduce the price of submitting products.
0 Votes
Sorted by
5 months ago
yes but on 80K credits spent, 80 tokens you can't even pay for the derivation of a product
0 Votes
5 months ago
DEV TOKENS are very useful to developers because they reduce the price of submitting products.
yesterday a user spent 80K promotional credits in my shop....this means that I have gifted more or less 80 products to him...and I say gifted because imvu only gives me 1 token per product...what should I do with 80 tokens?.....I work to gift my products? this doesn't seem normal to me....if imvu wants to give this opportunity to users, let him pay us creators....I don't want to work all day for could abolish these promotional credits or put a purchase limit
0 Votes
Petrazenka posted 5 months ago Best Answer
DEV TOKENS are very useful to developers because they reduce the price of submitting products.
0 Votes
Mividalokaa posted 5 months ago
yes but on 80K credits spent, 80 tokens you can't even pay for the derivation of a product
0 Votes
Petrazenka posted 5 months ago Answer
DEV TOKENS are very useful to developers because they reduce the price of submitting products.
0 Votes
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