I am trying to make a tactical vest as a clothing piece, however the vest itself looks correct in blender, but when I upload it to IMVU it doesn't conform to a custom avatar.. Only a T-Pose Avatar in which it was positioned. As far I have seen, there is no video tutorial on how to actually make "clothing" for IMVU using Blender and the IMVU Toolkit, only accessories via kitbits...
Then once I go to the IMVU+ Studio and upload the model....
I've been sat here doing this for the past hour and a half trying to figure out what I am not doing or I am missing... I am at my wits end now.
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7 months ago
Posted by “jazzKat” on April 28, 2022.
@Lushen I've not got round to making a clothing tute yet as they're pretty involved as an item to make (as you're finding out ;) )... but if you're using the Toolkit you have to 'connect' the mesh to the avatar rig clicking the Bind to Armature button @MightySe7en mentioned above/below - best to have the mesh selected when doing this. Once you've done that check the weights and then adjust as needed.
You're doing everything right so far though ;)
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “MightySe7en” on April 08, 2022.
Best of luck! Feel free to reach out with any issues you run in to and we will try to get back to you as soon as we can
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Lushen” on April 08, 2022.
I will have to go back and look over everything from the beginning then
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Lushen” on April 07, 2022.
I will give this a look over and study it. It seems to help a bit as I missed this step but I am thinking I may wait for a full video tutorial on clothes. My learning disability makes it difficult to do these things.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “MightySe7en” on April 07, 2022.
Hi @Lushen , Could you let me know what steps you took to get to that point?
Ideally, you would append the clothing file, Import your mesh, then select the mesh and click [ Bind to Armature ]. This will try to weight the mesh automatically, but you will still have to check how it was weighted and make changes if needed.
You can use the [ Paint Weights ] button to go into weight paint mode, and on the right side of your window, there should be bones you can select from and check how each of them effect your mesh.
Also check in pose mode to see if the weights work in blender, before importing into studio
Posted by “Lushen” on April 07, 2022.
[Archived]I am trying to make a tactical vest as a clothing piece, however the vest itself looks correct in blender, but when I upload it to IMVU it doesn't conform to a custom avatar.. Only a T-Pose Avatar in which it was positioned. As far I have seen, there is no video tutorial on how to actually make "clothing" for IMVU using Blender and the IMVU Toolkit, only accessories via kitbits...
Then once I go to the IMVU+ Studio and upload the model....
I've been sat here doing this for the past hour and a half trying to figure out what I am not doing or I am missing... I am at my wits end now.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “jazzKat” on April 28, 2022.
[Archived]@Lushen I've not got round to making a clothing tute yet as they're pretty involved as an item to make (as you're finding out ;) )... but if you're using the Toolkit you have to 'connect' the mesh to the avatar rig clicking the Bind to Armature button @MightySe7en mentioned above/below - best to have the mesh selected when doing this. Once you've done that check the weights and then adjust as needed.
You're doing everything right so far though ;)
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MightySe7en” on April 08, 2022.
[Archived]Best of luck! Feel free to reach out with any issues you run in to and we will try to get back to you as soon as we can
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Lushen” on April 08, 2022.
[Archived]I will have to go back and look over everything from the beginning then
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Lushen” on April 07, 2022.
[Archived]I will give this a look over and study it. It seems to help a bit as I missed this step but I am thinking I may wait for a full video tutorial on clothes. My learning disability makes it difficult to do these things.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MightySe7en” on April 07, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @Lushen , Could you let me know what steps you took to get to that point?
Ideally, you would append the clothing file, Import your mesh, then select the mesh and click [ Bind to Armature ]. This will try to weight the mesh automatically, but you will still have to check how it was weighted and make changes if needed.
You can use the [ Paint Weights ] button to go into weight paint mode, and on the right side of your window, there should be bones you can select from and check how each of them effect your mesh.
Also check in pose mode to see if the weights work in blender, before importing into studio
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 07, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @Lushen Does this video tutorial help? https://www.katsbits.com/codex/weight-painting-imvu/
I hope this helps.
0 Votes