Hello! I have created a couple of mesh sunglasses which were added in IMVU Studio. Even after the import state, there is an issue.
The sunglasses have an incompatibility with the eyes (unisex and also female eyes). The incompatibility has the following:
The Glasses (as of the glass, not the frame) disappear
The eyes turn black completely
With some eyes it works, but after submiting the item, on mobile app, the issue is still there (invisible glass and black eyes).
I saw that I am not the only having this issue, several glasses made in imvu studio have this issue.
Thank you
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7 months ago
Posted by “Bojan” on May 12, 2022.
For those who would like to know how transparent surfaces work in a classic client (I adhere to this logic in the studio as well), I forward you this picture that explains it quite well.
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7 months ago
Posted by “Bojan” on May 12, 2022.
Hello @LestatDeLioncourt , @izru
We actually talked about this issue once, when we were talking about of meshes draw order.
Below is the answer we received from the staff regarding the handling of transparent surfaces:
"On the old client the order of rendering is determined by the mesh ID, which is pretty bad in general terms, but it can allow the creator to, on a limited way, specify different rendering orders which helped some assets in the past.
With the introduction of Northstar, the new rendering engine, the algorithm of sorting transparent meshes become more robust to allow better rendering outputs where the old client would have failed. That order algorithm is based on the camera position and its orientation, which does a much better job in general terms, but its not 100% perfect because, in general, handling transparent objects is a hard task. Because of this, recently we have added an advanced property that we internally call "Local Transparency Hint Order Value" (I think in the interface is called "Priority" but the name can change), which allows a creator to give a hint to Northstar and let it know about the order of rendering on specific transparent materials. With this value, a creator can specify that a given transparent material should be rendered after or before other transparent materials.
As you might know, this property, if used incorrectly, can ruin the sort algorithm because it might make the materials to no be sorted by distance to the camera anymore exposing transparency problems depending on where the camera is located. In oder words, this "Local Transparency Hint Order Value" should be used as less as possible and just as a last resort for very specific occasions where the regular sort algorithm does not work properly with a given asset.
We wish we could have a completely 100% robust solution that would render transparency objects without any problem, but, transparency is hard, and for the moment, we believe that the current sorting algorithm it will make a very good job for the vast majority of the transparency assets, and the advanced property "Local Transparency Hint Order Value" will serve for very specify cases.
I want to finish by putting a lot of entasis on to try to use "Local Transparency Hint Order Value" as less as possible :D so the vast majority of transparent objects can be sorted with the regular sort algorithm."
Cheers! :)
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on May 12, 2022.
Hey @Bojan My understanding is and I have not proven it ... The lower the Number the Higher the Priority.
Things behind Composite Blended things, with Composite Blended need to be higher. Ocean behind a Fire and looking through a Glass Window, all three would need priority set. Most important being 0 less important being 2, etc.
These adjustments Do Not have any effects of separate products. It only works within one product and *maybe* one Mesh within the Product. IDK, just did some reading. As said, I have not had time to research and test this. Maybe you can investigate this and share information with all of us? Hint, Hint...
Cheers Buddy :)
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Bojan” on May 12, 2022.
@LestatDeLioncourt How to understand this Priority number? Is texture with lower priority number bottom layer so it can be viewed trough all layers that are above it and with higher priority number?
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on May 09, 2022.
Hi @izru IMVU engineering team are aware of the issue. Most likely Composite Blend is set on the Eye Glasses being worn, possibly a face make-up and or the head contains Composite Material(s). This is a transparency sorting issue that staff are aware with no definite date for fix, if any is available.
Unless you are the creator of these products, I don't think there is anything you can do to fix it at this time. If the incompatible products are all combined within one product, there are composite material adjustments that can be made.
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Posted by “izru” on May 09, 2022.
[Archived]Hello! I have created a couple of mesh sunglasses which were added in IMVU Studio. Even after the import state, there is an issue.
The sunglasses have an incompatibility with the eyes (unisex and also female eyes). The incompatibility has the following:
I saw that I am not the only having this issue, several glasses made in imvu studio have this issue.
Thank you
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Bojan” on May 12, 2022.
[Archived]For those who would like to know how transparent surfaces work in a classic client (I adhere to this logic in the studio as well), I forward you this picture that explains it quite well.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Bojan” on May 12, 2022.
[Archived]Hello @LestatDeLioncourt , @izru
We actually talked about this issue once, when we were talking about of meshes draw order.
Below is the answer we received from the staff regarding the handling of transparent surfaces:
"On the old client the order of rendering is determined by the mesh ID, which is pretty bad in general terms, but it can allow the creator to, on a limited way, specify different rendering orders which helped some assets in the past.
With the introduction of Northstar, the new rendering engine, the algorithm of sorting transparent meshes become more robust to allow better rendering outputs where the old client would have failed. That order algorithm is based on the camera position and its orientation, which does a much better job in general terms, but its not 100% perfect because, in general, handling transparent objects is a hard task. Because of this, recently we have added an advanced property that we internally call "Local Transparency Hint Order Value" (I think in the interface is called "Priority" but the name can change), which allows a creator to give a hint to Northstar and let it know about the order of rendering on specific transparent materials. With this value, a creator can specify that a given transparent material should be rendered after or before other transparent materials.
As you might know, this property, if used incorrectly, can ruin the sort algorithm because it might make the materials to no be sorted by distance to the camera anymore exposing transparency problems depending on where the camera is located. In oder words, this "Local Transparency Hint Order Value" should be used as less as possible and just as a last resort for very specific occasions where the regular sort algorithm does not work properly with a given asset.
We wish we could have a completely 100% robust solution that would render transparency objects without any problem, but, transparency is hard, and for the moment, we believe that the current sorting algorithm it will make a very good job for the vast majority of the transparency assets, and the advanced property "Local Transparency Hint Order Value" will serve for very specify cases.
I want to finish by putting a lot of entasis on to try to use "Local Transparency Hint Order Value" as less as possible :D so the vast majority of transparent objects can be sorted with the regular sort algorithm."
Cheers! :)
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on May 12, 2022.
[Archived]Hey @Bojan My understanding is and I have not proven it ... The lower the Number the Higher the Priority.
Things behind Composite Blended things, with Composite Blended need to be higher. Ocean behind a Fire and looking through a Glass Window, all three would need priority set. Most important being 0 less important being 2, etc.
These adjustments Do Not have any effects of separate products. It only works within one product and *maybe* one Mesh within the Product. IDK, just did some reading. As said, I have not had time to research and test this. Maybe you can investigate this and share information with all of us? Hint, Hint...
Cheers Buddy :)
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Bojan” on May 12, 2022.
[Archived]@LestatDeLioncourt How to understand this Priority number? Is texture with lower priority number bottom layer so it can be viewed trough all layers that are above it and with higher priority number?
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on May 09, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @izru IMVU engineering team are aware of the issue. Most likely Composite Blend is set on the Eye Glasses being worn, possibly a face make-up and or the head contains Composite Material(s). This is a transparency sorting issue that staff are aware with no definite date for fix, if any is available.
Unless you are the creator of these products, I don't think there is anything you can do to fix it at this time. If the incompatible products are all combined within one product, there are composite material adjustments that can be made.![CompositePriority]()
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