[Archived - DiamondBones] What to do about stretching avi body meshes to skirt mcg?

Posted 7 months ago by Community

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Posted by “DiamondBones” on July 18, 2022.


I don't think you guys had this in mind when you first created the mcg 18 years ago...

imageimageimageimageimageimageI'm seeing this in almost all of the newer body meshes that have came out these past years and I'm pretty sure if we did a sweep to rerate them all to AP it would really mess shop up and be a never ending battle and headache.

Can you guys explain how the mcg isn't just about the red zones, but also generally should cover at least 3/4ths of these genital area zones or something? I dunno lol but this is not okay. It's even gotten to the point where if a creator wants to be successful, they have to skirt the rules just to keep up with trends, which is not a good guide. I'm trying really hard to avoid supporting creators that are skirting the rules but it's getting difficult lol.

[Mod edit-DarkAngel5]


Obviously can't keep fighting people cuz they'll always find loopholes, it's just the rebellious nature we have as human beings. We will always find a way to get what we want eventually, that's what makes us such a nuisance for any alien species considering world domination here lol We're kind of worse than cockroaches in many ways and I'd like to keep this trait we have lol So the best way is to basically... guide us lol like... make it look cool and fun to follow the rules lol you know, like how marry poppins made cleaning your room fun because she turned it into a game and song LOL we don't need magic... we have the tech... we can do this lol

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on July 27, 2022.


The more details I give them, the more confused they get, wouldn't understand something as complex as this. Only CS from VIP have this "Talent" lol and I'm not buying vip for that, and it's too many for me to flag anyways, there's way more of those than there are UFI items.


I'm afraid of the after effects of having so many popular products taken away all of a sudden. It's not even fair since there are no guidelines that tell meshers how to lay their skin maps when they're stretching it over their sculptures. All they have to go by is a skin file imvu gave them. At least the male AP mcg has a jockstrap cup for a guideline.


If these items are going to get re-rated from GA to AP (instead of being axed completely)... they're going to go nuts just from the confusion lol That's why I think it would be worth it to properly re-write what the rules mean, instead of just a vague assumption. They're adults, they deserve clarity, especially during one of the most sexually confusing eras in human history. It would make sense to re-write imvu's rules on sexuality during this time, since that's what many communities are facing to do irl anyways.


Since there's just so many out there, creators wouldn't even be able to go back into their own shop and re-rate them all themselves (lots of shops have +15k items lol) Even if people started flagging them... there's no way they could flag all of them in one batch lol so when that creator returns from their account suspension, and the others return to flag the rest, those devs will get automatically and permanently banned from the site. I don't want to loose my favorite creators due to a simple misunderstanding. I don't want this mess to happen lol

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DarkAngel5” on July 18, 2022.


Hi @meshing, this article explains reporting:



How to handle Harassment: http://im.vu/help723


How to contact Customer Service: 



How to file and respond to a ticket: http://im.vu/help396

How to file a ticket on IMVU Mobile: http://im.vu/help769




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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on July 18, 2022.


This method of skirting the Virtual Goods Rating Policy is specifically not allowed. Any product that shows this (or other skirting) infraction should be Flagged then reported in a Help Case with detailed information. In this manner IMVU Staff will have a good understanding of the infraction for any needed actions.


I hope this helps...












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