[Archived - Abilot] Blender fbx export - gap in neck?

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Community Admin

Posted by “Abilot” on July 28, 2022.


i'm using IMVU Studio pretty much for the first time - and i'm trying to figure things out. i've run into this:


fbx importi'm using Male03 (clothing).blend.

it's just a simple cube with the bottom vertices snapped to a few vertices of the neck. top vertices are weighted to Head, bottom vertices are weighted to Neck03. everything seems to be fine except for the gap.


i tried to export the default head...same issue.


using Blender Version 3.2.0 (3.2.0 2022-06-08) on MacOS.


and why is there an extra skeleton in the fbx import window? importing from the first one causes issues, second one works fine

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on July 31, 2022.


@Abilot​ Ah gotcha... IMVU must have updated the Max files since I created the Blender files. Notwithstanding any issue-creep across 10+ years of constant updates and fixes, those gaps were in the original (like way back to the beginning original) Max files.


I'll see about updating the Blender files based on the info you've provided. Cheers!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Abilot” on July 31, 2022.


i realized that i could've made that clearer but it didn't let me edit.


anyways...i downloaded the max file found here.

in Max, exported that head out as obj.

imported the obj into the male clothing file found here.


and this is how it was automatically placed. as you can see, the neck is misaligned:

Screen Shot 2022-07-31 at 3.16.10 PMi tried snapping the vertices of the cube to the neck of this imported head, then there was no gap in Studio - everything worked fine.


and as i mentioned...simply exporting the male head out has this issue.


imvu male clothing starter file found here:

Screen Shot 2022-07-31 at 3.58.03 PM 

katsbits alt clothing starter file found here:

Screen Shot 2022-07-31 at 3.55.58 PM

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on July 31, 2022.


@Abilot​ Which *.max file did you use?


Are you saying you imported the Max sourced head (XMF?) into IMVU Studio and saw no gap? Or did you import the Max sourced head into Blender and saw no gap?

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Abilot” on July 29, 2022.


so, this appears to be a problem with the provided .blend files. the locations of the meshes are wrong. i imported a head from one of the max files and the neck alignment was slightly off like in Studio. i snapped the cube vertices to the imported head and everything works fine. the female files don't have this issue. thanks, IMVU!?


Screen Shot 2022-07-29 at 6.12.10 PM 

got the files from here.

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