I would like to create furniture with a pose. However, I am not sure how I could check the scale of the furniture, see the pose, and work on the mesh at the same time. Furthermore, how do I import the pose into the furniture?
Thanks so much for reading my question, I hope you can help me!
Hi @FlyFixer, If you just trying to make a furniture with a seat that poses the avatar (and does not animate the furniture also), you are on the right track ^, but you only need one action. The action to pose the avatar. The basic process is this:
In Blender, using the IMVU Studio Toolkit:
Open the Furniture Tool and Create Furniture
In the field above the Custom [seat] type the name of the name you want to use to trigger the pose (e.g.: FancySit). Don't use "seat" in your custom name. This is it a keyword used by the actions system.
Click the '+ Custom' button to add the seat node. The tool will name it correctly
Open the Animation Tool and click Append Animation File
Check the Make Pose checkbox
Turn on Auto Key and pose the avatar
Name the animation something unique (e.g.: FancySit)
Save the file
Open the Export Tool and click Export
This will create 2 FBX files:
In IMVU Studio:
Derive from Empty Furniture (PID 56815672)
First import Anim_<your_blender_filename>.fbx
Then import Furn_<your_blender_filename>.fbx
Go to the Action Component panel and Add an action
Name the action exactly stance.<your_seat_node_name> (e.g.: stance.FancySit)
Set the Action Type to Avatar
Add an Ensemble
In the Ensemble window select you imported avatar pose animation (e.g.: Anim--FancySit.xaf)
Click Apply
Click Preview and click on the seat node in the 3d window and you avatar should assume the pose you created.
There were a couple of things I noticed in your project screen shots above:
Your actions should be named stance.Sit_01 not stance.seat01.Sit_01
You have not set the Skeletal Animation Asset in the Ensemble window to your animation file (.xaf)
One final note is that you only need two actions if you are going to also animate the furniture when the avatar occupies the seat node. In this case, the action for the furniture should be:
Named stance.Sit_01-Seat01
Action Type: Room
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7 months ago
Posted by “FlyFixer” on August 19, 2022.
I found the help on this but I can't get this part to work
Importing into Studio
You should have gotten 2 files exported from blender, one with the prefix “Anim_” and one with “Furn_”. Import both of these files
Go to the action tab, and make 2 new actions
Name the furniture’s animation “stance.[seatName]-seat[##]”
ex) stance.liftWeight.seat01
Name the avatars “stance.[seatName]”
Optionally you can have a 3rd animation for the furniture’s idle state named “stance.Idle”
My Blender file structure:
Here is the list of actions I've added.
Here is the information about the first action.
Here's the information about the second action:
I have a feeling I'm missing something really simple. Any help would be welcome!
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Posted by “FlyFixer” on August 19, 2022.
[Archived]I would like to create furniture with a pose. However, I am not sure how I could check the scale of the furniture, see the pose, and work on the mesh at the same time. Furthermore, how do I import the pose into the furniture?
Thanks so much for reading my question, I hope you can help me!
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “jazzKat” on September 08, 2022.
[Archived]Have a watch of this for custom poses on furniture https://www.katsbits.com/codex/furniture-custom-pose/ (example also included).
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on August 23, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @FlyFixer, If you just trying to make a furniture with a seat that poses the avatar (and does not animate the furniture also), you are on the right track ^, but you only need one action. The action to pose the avatar. The basic process is this:
There were a couple of things I noticed in your project screen shots above:
One final note is that you only need two actions if you are going to also animate the furniture when the avatar occupies the seat node. In this case, the action for the furniture should be:
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “FlyFixer” on August 19, 2022.
[Archived]I found the help on this but I can't get this part to work
Importing into Studio
My Blender file structure:
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