I need assistants with getting the mesh templates use on different clothing. furniture, and Room shells. Would it be easier to reach out to the original creator of these items or what would you suggest as the best possible solutions? Thank you in advance.
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7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on January 08, 2023.
Hi @D3J3SUS Most Texture Map Templates are different for each project you are seeking to derive. Some; very few, are "standard" Maps.
The Standard ones would be for male and female avatar skins *and* these may Not be standard depending on what you are making.
As far as template/maps for Rooms and Furniture... Most all of these materials are "Standard Rectangles". If you cannot find Maps in the manner listed below, then I would assume they are merely plain rectangles. Look closely in the IMVU Creator Tool and see the Icons there. You may see how they were originally made as a guide.
Sometimes the "Grain" of a wallpaper, curtain, carpet, wood, etc. shows a pattern direction. This can be tested by trial and error or using a material map "Grid" material. A Grid Map can also give help sometimes on clothing but this is for more advanced artists and beyond the scope of this post. You may use my Material Grid here for testing, if you like. Since this is a very basic, generic, non-artwork material and for no specific use, there is no issue with "free files" in the discussions. Normally we do not share files for specific purpose in the IMVU Discussions.
A quick tutorial on how to find the Maps, Templates or example Materials
Once you are on the Product Page of the item you want to derive, Click on the link "Derivation Tree".
Once you see the Derivation Tree listing page, look for the product most like yours. The one you want to Derive.
Look down the Derivation Tree List for the "bottom-most" product that is like yours. Click it! That page is the "Most Likely" to have the Material Maps or Material Templates.
Some Products use Standard Avatar Skin Maps. If you are working with Clothing, Avatars or Skins you may find these (linked below) useful. If you are working on an "abstract" avatar or skin (monster, wings, etc) that are nothing like the normal avatars, you will have to search for template maps as shown in the above tutorial.
Anyone needing the IMVU provided Basic Skin Textures or Materials can find them in the link below. I have also added the very basic avatar Skin Templates (black & white wire-frames). Please note, these materials were provided to IMVU Users in a very old tutorial by IMVU Inc.
I copied these from the IMVU Inc. website in 2010 and since they are not currently available, I have placed them in Google Drive for anyone to download. I have scanned these files for bugs & pests prior to upload, please feel free to scan them again with your favorite security tool.
Posted by “D3J3SUS” on January 07, 2023.
[Archived]Hello All,
I need assistants with getting the mesh templates use on different clothing. furniture, and Room shells. Would it be easier to reach out to the original creator of these items or what would you suggest as the best possible solutions? Thank you in advance.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on January 08, 2023.
[Archived]Hi @D3J3SUS Most Texture Map Templates are different for each project you are seeking to derive. Some; very few, are "standard" Maps.
The Standard ones would be for male and female avatar skins *and* these may Not be standard depending on what you are making.
As far as template/maps for Rooms and Furniture... Most all of these materials are "Standard Rectangles". If you cannot find Maps in the manner listed below, then I would assume they are merely plain rectangles. Look closely in the IMVU Creator Tool and see the Icons there. You may see how they were originally made as a guide.
Sometimes the "Grain" of a wallpaper, curtain, carpet, wood, etc. shows a pattern direction. This can be tested by trial and error or using a material map "Grid" material. A Grid Map can also give help sometimes on clothing but this is for more advanced artists and beyond the scope of this post. You may use my Material Grid here for testing, if you like. Since this is a very basic, generic, non-artwork material and for no specific use, there is no issue with "free files" in the discussions. Normally we do not share files for specific purpose in the IMVU Discussions.
A quick tutorial on how to find the Maps, Templates or example Materials
Some Products use Standard Avatar Skin Maps. If you are working with Clothing, Avatars or Skins you may find these (linked below) useful. If you are working on an "abstract" avatar or skin (monster, wings, etc) that are nothing like the normal avatars, you will have to search for template maps as shown in the above tutorial.
Anyone needing the IMVU provided Basic Skin Textures or Materials can find them in the link below. I have also added the very basic avatar Skin Templates (black & white wire-frames). Please note, these materials were provided to IMVU Users in a very old tutorial by IMVU Inc.
I copied these from the IMVU Inc. website in 2010 and since they are not currently available, I have placed them in Google Drive for anyone to download. I have scanned these files for bugs & pests prior to upload, please feel free to scan them again with your favorite security tool.
Google Drive Downloads:
~ Enjoy Life
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