[Archived - Lexique] how do I make wall nodes act like floor nodes in classic create mode?

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Posted by “Lexique” on May 27, 2023.


Hi, One thing I can find quite frustrating when decorating a room is that when I place a piece of furniture on a wall node, I can easily move it along the wall. But I cannot move move it closer to or further away from the wall. Which means I end up placing the furniture on a floor node and manually moving it to the wall. This, however, is not the case for the ceiling or floor nodes. Once furniture is placed on a floor node, it can be easily moved in all directions. When watching the imvu blender video, we were told that the only difference between a floor/ceiling/wall node is the direction it points. So then it must be a "feature" of the classic client decoration mode. I find this is not a problem in Studio decoration mode (I don't have Desktop+ installed). So are there any modifications I can do in blender to make this not a problem in classic create? If there was a functional difference between the floor and wall nodes, I'd simply place the floor nodes on the walls in place of wall nodes.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on May 30, 2023.


Thank you for your response @jazzKat​ . That's good info to know.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on May 29, 2023.


Ordinarily room nodes by themselves shouldn't affect performance for PC users but might for mobile, it's worth keeping that in mind - the legacy limit of 600 (iirc) is still a valid number to work with.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on May 29, 2023.


Thank you for your responses, @jazzKat​. Maybe I’ll do both - put wall nodes and then put floor nodes right against the wall. I don’t think it takes that much time to fill the walls and floor and ceiling with furniture nodes, and I’m learning how to eyeball them so that they are the correct distance from the landing spot. They don’t seem to add much weight, to the room. To me this is one small thing that would really improve room decoration. But I wonder if having a ton of standing and furniture nodes weigh down a room when it loads or is being decorated or simply used?

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on May 29, 2023.


Yep there is a classification and usability difference but, as mentioned above, using floor nodes to allow wall item positioning seems a bit of a hack (and the above mentioned not being bothered to build rooms correctly).

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on May 29, 2023.


Should clarify that 'wall node' in this context are floor nodes place right next to the wall but anchored to the floor - basically you put a 'wall' item on that floor node and position it to appear on the wall. So yes, they're floor nodes pointing in the same direction as floor nodes but used to more finitely position 'wall' items.


And yes, as you note, using floor nodes this way means spending more time for the sake of 'accuracy'. But it does seem a popular way to do it (largely I think because those room creators can't really be bothered placing furniture node correctly).

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on May 29, 2023.


There must be in fact a differentiation in the node classifications, because when when a furniture is devved, you state if it should look for a floor, wall or ceiling node. Maybe that's what you mean, @jazzKat​ . If you put wall nodes on the floor, then the furniture intended to go on the wall actually are placed on the floor in decorate mode, forcing manual rotating and movement of the furniture that belong on the wall. Am I finally understanding? Sorry for being a bit dense.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on May 29, 2023.


"'wall' nodes on the floor" - that was the opposite of what I would have expected you to say @jazzKat​ , and what would be the advantage of that? Does it actually function differently? I don't want the wall node problem to be propagated to the floor. Maybe you meant to say the opposite - floor nodes on the wall? If they are actually the same thing just pointing different directions, does placing nodes in locations other than intended in fact change the behavior in classic decorate? Now I'm super curious about placing wall nodes on the floor. If you have a second could you further explain this to me? Thanks so much.


I was surprised at how many of my rooms didn't even bother to place nodes on the wall. And one quite surprising feature I never ever remember being able to do - and that is if I raise or lower the furniture when it is on the floor node, I already knew it would maintain that change when moving the furniture around on floor nodes, but I didn't expect it to do so when moving it from a floor node to a wall node. That seems to show that wall and floor nodes are treated as the same thing?


Is there any disadvantage to filling the floor, walls and ceiling with furniture nodes? To me this makes decoration so much faster.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on May 28, 2023.


@Lexique​ floor, wall and ceiling nodes are supposed to behave the same way with respect to furniture and moving that around, but as @LestatDeLioncourt​ mentions there's not much we can do (assuming they're placed correctly in the room). I think this is one of the reasons creators started placing 'wall' nodes on the floor.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on May 27, 2023.


Hello, @LestatDeLioncourt​, thanks for your quick response , in fact it's been a frustration since the time I've been on IMVU. But I thought maybe there was a "mesharound" for it lol. What do you mean about a proper fit? Do you simply mean the best placement possible? I find that is easier said than done. Especially when you want to put something on the wall that doesn't normally go there lol.


I would happily give up classic client, it's old and out of date. And clearly they are making it more painful to use with their 834 page cutoff in the shop and duplicating all of the decorated room thumbs in in "my room" inventory without revealing which one is the decorated room. But desktop+ still treats my computer like a phone with a big screen. So it's like this state of suspension where the long time users are caught in this level where there is no way up and no way down. Maybe we should all volunteer program for them like we did in the MUDs back in the day. (yikes, revealing my age - and nerd level).

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on May 27, 2023.


Hi @Lexique​ It seems you have discovered the long-despised issue of Classic. Not much can be done in the Classic except choosing a room that has properly made Wall Nodes. This gives the Wall Node Furniture a proper fit without having to adjust. Time will heal these issues as Classic is phased out over time.


Enjoy Life!

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