[Archived - Lexique] Python error when trying to export mesh from blender

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Community Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 03, 2023.


hi, if you want to break your code just ask a clueless noobie to use it.


I opened up a previously used blender file, and changed the UVs around, and deleted some material slots. I have the latest studio addon installed, with blender 3.4. I have already successfully exported using this same setup. But this time I got a python error. I never did get the notice that the fbx successfully exported, so I tried a bunch of different things to fix, including installing previous versions. It didn't fix. Anyway, surprisingly, the fbx in fact did create, and it has imported successfully into studio. So now I'm thinking maybe the error was simply a warning - but I just am not sure what I did wrong. I am using the same material on multiple surfaces, but that should be an issue, I see that happening everywhere on meshes already. But I did have six materials, and dropped it to one. The first export, I didn't realize that the material slots in fact didn't delete. So I removed all of them, but that didn't do anything. One thing I might have done? I did not realize that that fellow was hanging out inside my mesh, as all of the surfaces turned opaque until they were reassigned to a material. And so I did a select-all and assigned it all to the one material slot. I can't remember if I got an error at that time or not, but my man sure looked funny afterwards, but I didn't think too much of it because I know the reference avatar doesn't get exported. I closed out the blend file and and reopened and the fellow looked like normal again. But I still get the same export error, or rather, warning, since it seems to be working to me? Hopefully it doesn't explode later!


Anyway, below is my python error ...... @MightySe7en​ , sorry for tagging you. Any guesses as to what I did wrong? Because it's talking about the imvu fellow, I'm wondering if my inadvertent material reassignment might have, um, broke him? Everything below is from one export, not a series of exports. And in the middle of all of this, it states that it indeed created the fbx, and then continues on complaining about the man.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on June 04, 2023.


Yep, you can still use Append in those instances where projects seem to get messed up, pretty much for the same reason as Appending old data; it only brings in what you need.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 04, 2023.


Thank you @jazzKat​ for your always helpful advice and good explanation about append which I have in fact now read. For the problem I encountered I explained here, the blend file was created from scratch a little over 3 months ago so I wouldn’t have considered it old, and I’ve used it a number of times since - I am using Blender 3.4, which I know isn’t quite yet supported with the Imvu Studio add-on, but so far no problems at all until now. So I was sure it was one of my mis-steps, and maybe still was. But also now is when I’m using the the new studio add-on, 1.0.0.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on June 04, 2023.


Append is your friend https://www.katsbits.com/codex/imvu-append/

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jazzKat” on June 04, 2023.


Yep be careful opening 'old' projects into newer versions of the Toolkit and Blender (this has always been an issue with Blender generally never mind adding the TK to the mix!). A better approach is to Create a new project using the versions of Blender and the toolkit you want and then using Append to bring in the critical parts of the old project, meshes etc.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 03, 2023.


Sorry, I missed this response. Well, that's just normal to have upgrade side effects, and also I'm frequently shooting myself in the foot because I don't realize the extent of something I've just done. But it's amazing how smoothly it has worked for being so new. It's surprisingly intuitive to use, which is not a word I would usually connect with anything associated with open source programs.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MightySe7en” on June 03, 2023.


Any time!​

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 03, 2023.


That fixed it. Thanks a bunch!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MightySe7en” on June 03, 2023.


That is the unfortunate side effect of how new the toolkit is and how many upgrades had to happen during beta. Finger crossed that now that it is fully released, these errors will be far and few between!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 03, 2023.


in fact there are no



so that's likely the problem.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 03, 2023.


thank you for your lightning fast response as always, @MightySe7en​ . I will do that and make sure that they are there. I'll let you know if I have trouble or not.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MightySe7en” on June 03, 2023.


Hi @Lexique​ !

That is a biiig block of error oh boy. I seem to get that error if I use the attachment tool and delete any of the collections that came with it. And if you are opening an old file, it may not have them. If you want the errors to go away, you can technically create an empty collection just to the script sees the names and is happy. The collections should be named






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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on June 03, 2023.


sorry, here is the error...

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