[Archived - ValentinaVDRMoney] I want to add an image to t-shirts. How small should the image be?

Posted 7 months ago by Community

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Posted by “ValentinaVDRMoney” on August 15, 2022.


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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on August 27, 2022.


@ValentinaVDRMoney​ Good question and if you're deriving, then really depends on how the mesher sculpted the shape. Each mesh is different. If your image you wanted to add is very detailed, then it's quality can easily be lost when shrinking down to fit infront of the shirt. Also depends where the curves of the mesh and where they are. Personally, I venture in female, so it's really hard to place an image over curvy and protruding boobs, but men and andros have a more flat chest so it's a lot easier. Or rely on meshes that are very "thick/loose" so there's not too much curves where you want to place your image.


I suggest the meshes where the mesher separated the front from the back into different texture material slots, and if their map is too small, then I'd recommend stretching it out and using it as a map to draw your own on a larger canvas so when you add your image to where you want it on the first, then it doesn't have to shrink down as much onto the texture.


I notice that items end up looking much more defined when larger material canvases are used in it's textures because there are more pixel to work with. It stretches down differently than the way we shrink a picture while editing the texture.


Honestly, I wish meshers would start submitting more double layered products, as it's easier to layer images separately with their own details instead of be part of the clothing's base texture. They use to be really popular in the furry community because people wanted animated textures on their fursuits.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on August 25, 2022.


I use photopea it is very much like photoshop and i find easy.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “shopdaisylogo” on August 25, 2022.


This is trial and error load up on your t shirt then you can use the free transform tool to get it to fit then sharpen the image, To make it look part of the t shirt and not flat maybe add a crease effect, if you not sure how to do this .. first add a line..... 2 duplicate the line and move under the first as close as you can get it, first line should be white second black, merge the 2 and then use the smudge tool outwards, then overlay you can also turn down the opacity if the lines are to strong.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on August 16, 2022.


Hello @ValentinaVDRMoney​, You can use any texture dimensions up to 512x512 pixels. You can also use more than one texture, for example a front and back. It is best to keep your textures power of two in dimensions because they will resized if they are not power of two. For more information on power of two and texture sizes please see this Creator Education Center article for more information.

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