Updating my Halloween wings and wondering what else could I do with them?
The shinier I make them, the more like blow up balloons they look, which is cool! But I'm not sure if that's the direction I want to go. I guess I feel a bit stunted because it's Chibi style of wings, and I've always had a hard time doing kawaii cute, I've always been more sharp, but I'm trying though! I do like the challenge and growth! It feels awkward for me, but I heard that means I'm out of my comfort zone and I'm growing lol
(and yes, that's trick or treat candy raining from the wings as particles lol)
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7 months ago
Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 24, 2022.
@LestatDeLioncourt She locked it lol omg... This is not my day lol
@LestatDeLioncourt Too bad we don't have an active channel where non-creators can throw around their suggestions, they usually get quite excited and imaginative for products when they don't like creating.
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7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 23, 2022.
So much can be done, It is a hard decision when to Submit! ROFL
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 23, 2022.
Ahoy @LestatDeLioncourt Yes! I've done that a little with a normal map generator I got from another imvu tutorial, but I like your links better since it's Gimp! So far just the pumpkin and candy corn sticks out some, while the rest looks wavy. I imagine I could enhance the orange parts to stick out more and smooth out the rest of the black wings but then it would be just smooth and shiny like a balloon, and not sure I want to go that route. So it needs a conceptual plan before I put more time into making a more detailed normal map, like... would little feathers be weird to have on this kind of shape? It's sort of meant to be smooth, like those little anime wings. It's chibi style lol I'm out of my element lol I might just do crazy swirls if can't come up with anything.
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7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 23, 2022.
Hey @DiamondBones What about making Material Normal Maps for them. By Adding Normal Maps it can give the material a 3D effect of the designs on the wings :)
Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 23, 2022.
[Archived]The shinier I make them, the more like blow up balloons they look, which is cool! But I'm not sure if that's the direction I want to go. I guess I feel a bit stunted because it's Chibi style of wings, and I've always had a hard time doing kawaii cute, I've always been more sharp, but I'm trying though! I do like the challenge and growth! It feels awkward for me, but I heard that means I'm out of my comfort zone and I'm growing lol
(and yes, that's trick or treat candy raining from the wings as particles lol)
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 24, 2022.
[Archived]@LestatDeLioncourt She locked it lol omg... This is not my day lol
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 24, 2022.
[Archived]@LestatDeLioncourt Woohoo! Off I go! THANK YOU! ^_^
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 24, 2022.
[Archived]We do :) It is in the Catalog and Products section here: https://help.imvu.com/s/topic/0TO41000001Hl4WGAS/ Requests and design suggestions...
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 23, 2022.
[Archived]@LestatDeLioncourt Too bad we don't have an active channel where non-creators can throw around their suggestions, they usually get quite excited and imaginative for products when they don't like creating.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 23, 2022.
[Archived]So much can be done, It is a hard decision when to Submit! ROFL
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 23, 2022.
[Archived]Ahoy @LestatDeLioncourt Yes! I've done that a little with a normal map generator I got from another imvu tutorial, but I like your links better since it's Gimp! So far just the pumpkin and candy corn sticks out some, while the rest looks wavy. I imagine I could enhance the orange parts to stick out more and smooth out the rest of the black wings but then it would be just smooth and shiny like a balloon, and not sure I want to go that route. So it needs a conceptual plan before I put more time into making a more detailed normal map, like... would little feathers be weird to have on this kind of shape? It's sort of meant to be smooth, like those little anime wings. It's chibi style lol I'm out of my element lol I might just do crazy swirls if can't come up with anything.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on September 23, 2022.
[Archived]Hey @DiamondBones What about making Material Normal Maps for them. By Adding Normal Maps it can give the material a 3D effect of the designs on the wings :)
GIMP tutorial is Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77Nd7yXuSgg In the IMVU Studio Tutorial, you can find more information at about the 3:18 mark in this Video Here: https://youtu.be/o6FNxvIis9A
Fun, Fun, Fun !!!
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