Oh my screen was cutting off part of the video. I have funny sizes on things. I'll take a better look. Thank you. As for questions. I do not currently have any, thank you though.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on January 01, 2024.
When watching the video, look below the video for the channel icon on the left, and the name next to it is the channel name (in my case just "Max SMoke"). Works for any video you're watching.
But I don't usually make tutorials for IMVU. These days I post videos of my latest work and my karaoke nights out, so you've probably seen everything you wanted. If you have a more specific question, you can always ask me, and maybe I'll throw together another tutorial.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Aoili” on January 01, 2024.
Thank you for posting the video. I was struggling to figure out why the front part of my shirt I was able to make transparent but the sleeves would not match. They now match thanks to your video. What is the name of your YouTube channel so I can give it a follow for future questions I might have.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on December 03, 2023.
Why do the slow ones talk the most? IMVU Studio is AMAZING for clothing. It's amazing for everything.
Of course I doubt you'll see it ... you haven't heard anything I've said to you this ENTIRE TIME!
This is why I don't bother with these forums. Always some fool wants to argue. I don't get paid for this. I'm just trying to help people. Really, it profits me if people DON'T use Studio. It's another competitive advantage that fills my pockets. DON'T USE STUDIO! Ignore it! Leave it all to me and the other cutting edge people. Ignore EVERYTHING I ever said, ignore my tutorial video, ignore the sales figures. Just stay right where you are. That's about the meanest thing I could ever wish on you.
I'm ignoring all further responses you have on the subject. Feel free to talk to yourself.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on December 02, 2023.
Yes, I Dev mostly clothing however I have also done 311 rooms & furniture and 83 avatars. Your point? Isn’t your precious Studio good for clothing also? Because the way you stated that, yr saying it’s not.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on December 02, 2023.
I've never heard of you either, so meh. Looks like you do mostly clothing? It's not really my thing. I do items. I only make clothing when I find stuff nobody else has done what I need, like a loincloth that works with animal legs. Also I mesh, I don't derive. Make stuff OTHER people derive from. I'm the guy that makes YOUR stuff.
I make characters. I focus on crazy stuff that presses the limits of what IMVU can do. If you've seen something with good animations that aren't motion captured, it's likely something I made. I make pets and accessories, lots of replacement heads (mostly anyskin), all of the difficult stuff. My catalog is hit up more by other developers then end users. I'm the Developer's Developer. I don't make duplicate versions of my items, I leave that to the derivers. I bet many of your "links" are actually derived versions of my stuff. I might only have 1,500 items, but when you factor in all of the deriving, that number balloons into the high 10's of 1000's. Some of my items have been derived from over a 100 times by others. People make alot of money from my work. (...they could make alot more with Studio...)
But NOBODY could make that Orc in Classic, because there is no metal shine, no Normal Mapping, no glows, even the scalers are primitive. The particles effects as basic. You are trying really hard to stubbornly deny this, but you can make AAA game, modern graphics, in Studio. No matter what you paint, it's not going to glean or have the realism that Specular and Normal maps can bring.
I looked up your stuff, take the Spiked Collar for instance. It looks fine with metal effect you painted in, but to see ACTUAL chrome in movement is just breathtaking. Add in a little painted bump mapping (normal) and some Specular (shine), that you would swear you could reach into the screen and hold that collar in your hand. It goes from cartoon, to REAL.
I'm not proving your point, I'm proving your stubbornness. And sooner or later, you WILL be dragged into modern video game graphics. You can't stay in 2006 forever. Get into Studio, if you have to beg, borrow, or steal. Start the project in Classic and move it into Studio for the final pass. What you can add to the item's quality is immeasurable!
Go watch my video, it's not hard to add Normal (bumps) and Specular (shine) maps. Once you've seen the end result, you're going to want to make new versions of all of your old stuff. I'm combing through my catty right now updating all of my classic items. The new people are using IMVU on their phones and web browsers. They DO see the difference! IMVU Classic is falling off, and will continue to do so. You need to learn these techniques and get good at them. You either learn now and profit, or learn later at a loss.
You do, already, actually HAVE Studio items in your catalog. You just don't know how much better you could make your items, this one for example, with a little Studio makeover:
@MaxSMoke777 I've been on imvu for 13 years and a dev for 11 years and I don't recall ever seeing or hearing of yr ID, however that doesn't mean yr not a "big name." Since I am in the catty daily looking for my next item(s) to dev, I searched your ID in the links I have saved (and those links are in the high 1000's) but I do not have any of yr links in my saved links. Now, if you notice, I used the words "many" big name creators. I did NOT at any time ever say "all." And you have also helped to prove my point. The mere fact that you "often start" items in IMVU classic helps me to prove how absolutely worthless Studio is. I'm sure that YOU couldn't make that Orc in IMVU classic, but that doesn't mean that someone else couldn't make it in IMVU classic. There's one thing I've learned, no matter how well known or "big name" one is, there is always someone even more knowledgeable than you are.
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on November 30, 2023.
I am a 17 year veteran of IMVU and about as big a name in unique items as it gets. I use Studio. I often start items in IMVU Classic, but to finish them, I use Studio. I couldn't make this in IMVU Classic:
In my opinion the only things worthless studio does is add shine and make clothing look plastic/fake. The many big name creators I derive from automatically add shine/texture/shadows etc to their textures which make their creations look amazing & real. I've watched a handful of big name creators use worthless studio for a short while in the beginning, but then after the "newness" wore off, they have all gone back to their old ways of making their spectacular creations. Since I'm a dev, I'm in the catty daily looking for new items to derive from and I haven't seen ANY items in the past month, wait I'd say in the past several months that were made with Studio. Studio is a worthless pain in the rear app & not worth anyone's time. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. But glad u like it. Have fun Max!
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on November 26, 2023.
What you can do with Studio is nothing short of AMAZING. It has some headaches, I walk you through how to handle them in the video, but the end results are so much better then anything that can be done without it, there's just no contest.
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on November 22, 2023.
[Archived]Anybody need help getting going with Studio? Here's a texturing guide I whipped up for my "Derive-A-Cape" item. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJNCE-uyX4Q
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “2XCLUS1VE” on March 02, 2024.
[Archived]how do I make stuff
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Aoili” on January 02, 2024.
[Archived]Oh my screen was cutting off part of the video. I have funny sizes on things. I'll take a better look. Thank you. As for questions. I do not currently have any, thank you though.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on January 01, 2024.
[Archived]When watching the video, look below the video for the channel icon on the left, and the name next to it is the channel name (in my case just "Max SMoke"). Works for any video you're watching.
But I don't usually make tutorials for IMVU. These days I post videos of my latest work and my karaoke nights out, so you've probably seen everything you wanted. If you have a more specific question, you can always ask me, and maybe I'll throw together another tutorial.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Aoili” on January 01, 2024.
[Archived]Thank you for posting the video. I was struggling to figure out why the front part of my shirt I was able to make transparent but the sleeves would not match. They now match thanks to your video. What is the name of your YouTube channel so I can give it a follow for future questions I might have.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on December 03, 2023.
[Archived]Why do the slow ones talk the most? IMVU Studio is AMAZING for clothing. It's amazing for everything.
Here's just a little comparison:
Of course I doubt you'll see it ... you haven't heard anything I've said to you this ENTIRE TIME!
This is why I don't bother with these forums. Always some fool wants to argue. I don't get paid for this. I'm just trying to help people. Really, it profits me if people DON'T use Studio. It's another competitive advantage that fills my pockets. DON'T USE STUDIO! Ignore it! Leave it all to me and the other cutting edge people. Ignore EVERYTHING I ever said, ignore my tutorial video, ignore the sales figures. Just stay right where you are. That's about the meanest thing I could ever wish on you.
I'm ignoring all further responses you have on the subject. Feel free to talk to yourself.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on December 02, 2023.
[Archived]Yes, I Dev mostly clothing however I have also done 311 rooms & furniture and 83 avatars. Your point? Isn’t your precious Studio good for clothing also? Because the way you stated that, yr saying it’s not.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on December 02, 2023.
[Archived]I've never heard of you either, so meh. Looks like you do mostly clothing? It's not really my thing. I do items. I only make clothing when I find stuff nobody else has done what I need, like a loincloth that works with animal legs. Also I mesh, I don't derive. Make stuff OTHER people derive from. I'm the guy that makes YOUR stuff.
I make characters. I focus on crazy stuff that presses the limits of what IMVU can do. If you've seen something with good animations that aren't motion captured, it's likely something I made. I make pets and accessories, lots of replacement heads (mostly anyskin), all of the difficult stuff. My catalog is hit up more by other developers then end users. I'm the Developer's Developer. I don't make duplicate versions of my items, I leave that to the derivers. I bet many of your "links" are actually derived versions of my stuff. I might only have 1,500 items, but when you factor in all of the deriving, that number balloons into the high 10's of 1000's. Some of my items have been derived from over a 100 times by others. People make alot of money from my work. (...they could make alot more with Studio...)
But NOBODY could make that Orc in Classic, because there is no metal shine, no Normal Mapping, no glows, even the scalers are primitive. The particles effects as basic. You are trying really hard to stubbornly deny this, but you can make AAA game, modern graphics, in Studio. No matter what you paint, it's not going to glean or have the realism that Specular and Normal maps can bring.
I looked up your stuff, take the Spiked Collar for instance. It looks fine with metal effect you painted in, but to see ACTUAL chrome in movement is just breathtaking. Add in a little painted bump mapping (normal) and some Specular (shine), that you would swear you could reach into the screen and hold that collar in your hand. It goes from cartoon, to REAL.
I'm not proving your point, I'm proving your stubbornness. And sooner or later, you WILL be dragged into modern video game graphics. You can't stay in 2006 forever. Get into Studio, if you have to beg, borrow, or steal. Start the project in Classic and move it into Studio for the final pass. What you can add to the item's quality is immeasurable!
Go watch my video, it's not hard to add Normal (bumps) and Specular (shine) maps. Once you've seen the end result, you're going to want to make new versions of all of your old stuff. I'm combing through my catty right now updating all of my classic items. The new people are using IMVU on their phones and web browsers. They DO see the difference! IMVU Classic is falling off, and will continue to do so. You need to learn these techniques and get good at them. You either learn now and profit, or learn later at a loss.
You do, already, actually HAVE Studio items in your catalog. You just don't know how much better you could make your items, this one for example, with a little Studio makeover:
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on November 30, 2023.
[Archived]@MaxSMoke777 I've been on imvu for 13 years and a dev for 11 years and I don't recall ever seeing or hearing of yr ID, however that doesn't mean yr not a "big name." Since I am in the catty daily looking for my next item(s) to dev, I searched your ID in the links I have saved (and those links are in the high 1000's) but I do not have any of yr links in my saved links. Now, if you notice, I used the words "many" big name creators. I did NOT at any time ever say "all." And you have also helped to prove my point. The mere fact that you "often start" items in IMVU classic helps me to prove how absolutely worthless Studio is. I'm sure that YOU couldn't make that Orc in IMVU classic, but that doesn't mean that someone else couldn't make it in IMVU classic. There's one thing I've learned, no matter how well known or "big name" one is, there is always someone even more knowledgeable than you are.
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on November 30, 2023.
[Archived]I am a 17 year veteran of IMVU and about as big a name in unique items as it gets. I use Studio. I often start items in IMVU Classic, but to finish them, I use Studio. I couldn't make this in IMVU Classic:
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on November 26, 2023.
[Archived]In my opinion the only things worthless studio does is add shine and make clothing look plastic/fake. The many big name creators I derive from automatically add shine/texture/shadows etc to their textures which make their creations look amazing & real. I've watched a handful of big name creators use worthless studio for a short while in the beginning, but then after the "newness" wore off, they have all gone back to their old ways of making their spectacular creations. Since I'm a dev, I'm in the catty daily looking for new items to derive from and I haven't seen ANY items in the past month, wait I'd say in the past several months that were made with Studio. Studio is a worthless pain in the rear app & not worth anyone's time. It's nice to know I'm not the only one who feels this way. But glad u like it. Have fun Max!
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “MaxSMoke777” on November 26, 2023.
[Archived]What you can do with Studio is nothing short of AMAZING. It has some headaches, I walk you through how to handle them in the video, but the end results are so much better then anything that can be done without it, there's just no contest.
Here's the my old Colt 45 before Studio:
And my Colt 45 after Studio:
Here's Minion before Studio:
Here's Minion after Studio:
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “WolfSpirit29” on November 26, 2023.
[Archived]Max ty for this but I, & many others, refuse to use worthless studio to make items.
0 Votes