[Archived - MsPixelicious] Public Chat Rooms Half Empty??
Posted 7 months ago by Community
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Posted by “MsPixelicious” on July 06, 2022.
[Archived]I'm noticing more and more examples of a dying state of affairs with imvu and the lack of people chatting via the chatrooms is one of them!
I can remember a time when you would see listing after listing of rooms CHOCK FULLA PEOPLE!
Over an over again youd see - 10/10 ROOM FULL!
Now, i'm seeing less than half in a room, over and over again
I dont use a mobile so i cant figure the discrepancy but is there something measurable in this decline?
something that can be addressed?
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “JustinWallace” on July 31, 2022.
[Archived]I still have a consistent 10/10 in the room we hang out in the most but I also don't venture out to other rooms either. Of a lot of the people I've talked to many of them stay in private chats or small groups instead of venturing out to other rooms. I have been getting a lot of traffic in my public rooms though so I wouldn't necessarily say that the people aren't there. I feel like a lot of the decline has to do with IMVU's inability to control the harassment and stalking of blocked people with the implication of mobile and next. I have friends and family who won't go into a public room because they know there is people watching them. Even without your location on mobile will show some indication of the room you might be in, and for someone who's stalking who knows a person well enough they will find them.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “haloween” on July 30, 2022.
[Archived]it makes me so sad :/ i think honestly its because imvu is a game thats culture started to die a while ago, but the pandemic really made imvu go thru a dead period, my shop declined to level 3 from level 10, i was at level 10 for 2 years straight, so it was suprising, and its getting harder to get back the levels, which is insane because i have products with 1000s of sales / ive made a good amount of profit on imvu. its sad cause creators rly feed imvu everything to profit off of but we r kinda suffering the most
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