[Archived - TheForsakenDead] How does IMVU calculate Tier Points when it comes to number of submissions?

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Community Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on July 02, 2022.


So not the specific "What equals what amount of points?" question. I know IMVU tends to keep a lot of these things ambigious from us, but I'm asking because I keep a very strict track of how much I submit monthly. Last month, I submitted [between Jun 1st and Jul 1st - though my last submission was the 29th] 62 products. IMVU lists 90 as my submissions. And this is just not accurate.


I asked my partner and he says his shows 48 when he has 60 exactly, all posted before Jun 30th. How does IMVU count the items we've submitted in a month? Because I know for a fact I did not submit more than 62 [the dates are listed, I can count them] and that my partner submitted more than 48. This isn't the first time the numbers haven't matched up.


Sure it's nice to have the extra cushion for points but it's left me scratching my head as to why our counts are so wildly different. I have heard they also add edited products to your submissions count, but even then I didn't edit anything in June so I'm finding myself a little lost.


I also apologize if this isn't the place for this, I wasn't 100% sure which category this question would belong in.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “JustinWallace” on August 28, 2022.


Yeah I noticed that too. It will be interesting what it shows next month since I know I submitted 82 items but resubmitted a whole bunch due to updating keywords and some glitchy textures.


It would be nice if IMVU just told us the algorithems of how the tier counting system worked instead of sending us a link on how it works with no numerical goals. I'm sure most of us have read it a half dozen times, I just want figures. I'll never get them I know and that messes with my OCD but... I dunno.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on August 20, 2022.


Yeah I have the same problem. I know on the default website every page shows 27 total products and 2 pages + 6 items on the 3rd page is 60 items. And since we can see the dates we submit stuff, I can make sure that I ONLY count the ones in the month I'm looking for. USUALLY the count is correct. If I hit 60 and stop, it says 60 were submitted and count for my submissions. BUT sometimes I'll do 60 and it's like "Nice, 45 items". And then I'm left totally lost.


I did notice it seems to count resubmissions, especially if they're items you've edited in Studio - which that's awesome, I think - but still ... if I submit 5, 10, 30, 100 items ... I want it to say that's how much I submitted that month, not less. [Hecc not even more, really!]

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on August 20, 2022.


Well see that was the thing, I don't know if it's a glitch or a bug or something. But that doesn't help. I've read that. I'm just trying to figure out why if I submit 90 products [as an example] between Aug 1st and Sept 1st - why sometimes it'll say I submitted 90 products in that time frame, and other times it'll be like "nah you only submitted 50"

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “JustinWallace” on August 10, 2022.


Yep, I have no idea. I did 82 new products and have 96 so I have no idea and I counted them MULTIPLE times before the end of the month. And on top of that I didn't do enough resubmits in order for that number either so I dunno.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Blueskyeye1” on August 04, 2022.


@TheForsakenDead​ https://www.imvu.com/creators/about_the_tiers.php this is the link to the breakdown of how Tier is calculated. I hope this Helps. As well glitches tend to happen, so If this is the case, post in bugs and isssues.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “JustinWallace” on July 31, 2022.


The past few months I've noticed it's been counting my resubmits as well as my new submits. I'm sure at some point that will be fixed but if I retexture something or open a product in studio and resubmit it, it's been counting towards that number. It'll be interesting to see what mine shows since I know I completed 82 items for July.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Kytten” on July 12, 2022.


I agree with the confusion of your question. I entered 90 products, I hit 500 (Finally) and my imvu count said on one page I had 436, and the other 550. It was such a huge difference, it definitely left me confused. I knew how many products I entered, but it was showing vastly different numbers.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “TheForsakenDead” on July 06, 2022.


Yes not talking about the points, the actual number.


Usually when I put in 60 items, it tells me my # of submissions is 60 and then it gives me whatever points.


But lately I've put in 60 items and it'll say I submitted 90, or 40 or something that isn't correct. That's what I was asking about.


They do seem to do it less based on other creators, it used to be more based on how creators were doing which is why it was hard to get a higher tier, now it seems they encourage us to be buying as much or more than we're making for points. But yeah not asking about the actual points awarded, I'm curious why it's saying I submitted more items than I did - but tell others they submitted less than they did? Not the points awarded for these amounts.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on July 04, 2022.


I thought all Tier calculations were rankings compared to other devs. Also, new item submissions don't count how many items we've added, only the value of points it's worth and I thought that value changed based on what was going on in our community as a whole.

I remember at one point, I had only submitted 1 or 2 derivable meshes one month, but my score counted way more for it, meaning there was not many other folks submitting drv meshes that month, so mine were valued higher than usual.

I think this should be revised as not only does it discourage creators to support eachother more, but they learn that it's easier to sabotage other shops instead of healthy competition by making better content. Which only downfalls upon the entire site because devs giving up and leaving means their shops turn into credit sinks, meaning less profits circulate around imvu's community, and discourages more members from thinking this economy here is worth their time.

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