[Archived - Rhurik] How to change the light on the avatar when creating the room?
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Posted by “Rhurik” on April 12, 2024.
[Archived]I'm Brazilian and I hope you understand me (I can't use studio and I'm using classic)
I really want to derive a room but I have a big problem with it (I'll leave the prints that better explain it visually). I can change the ambient light, fog in the distance, etc., but I have a problem with the direct white light hitting the character every time I bring the camera closer. I've already tried exploring and messing with everything and even editing the debugs, I'm racking my brains over this... Can anyone tell me?
The room in which I can't resolve this light:
The light I desire in her:
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Jazzmine70761” on May 02, 2024.
[Archived]@Polystyrene @LestatDeLioncourt What you say about the light may be true but I also think the light settings in IMVU need some further work. With the current release, anything light colored or white displays in a way that is blindingly bright in certain environments. The IMVU Spring Break room that was recently given as a gift to users is a great example of this lighting problem. It only gets worse when users add effects like shine or irridescent on top of a light texture. I've started to avoid buying, making, or wearing anything light colored because it just looks so bad in certain rooms (regardless of whether the avatar is without an Avatar light).
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 14, 2024.
[Archived]Hi @Rhurik Please consider all the Poly said. This is true.
One thing I though oof is to make sure your outfit does not have an
Avatar Light, worn as part of the Clothing.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Polystyrene” on April 13, 2024.
[Archived]The light you are seeing is actually built into the skeleton of the room, so unfortunately it's not something you can change. The mesher sets the position and colour of the lighting while creating the room. In theory, if you have 3D software you could replace the skeleton file with one that has a different light (or no light), but then you would lose all the nodes and any poses or animation built into the room (as that information is included in the skeleton file). Your best bet would be to ask the room's creator to make another version without the light.
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