So i've been part of IMVU for years, this account is my new account that i've built over the years, so it doesn't actually show how long i've been here. I've always been very curious and interested in creating things of my own. I have a very unique style that i've been able to get close to or similar with other creators, by deriving, but i want to be able to create my own products based on what i like and want. I think my biggest want is wanting to build my own rooms from scratch or have help from someone. Its a very tedious process and i'm not exactly sure where to start on my own. I've tried watching videos and learning, but i feel as if i need som guidance and tips from someone who does it regularly. Any help, tips and advice would be super appreciated.
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7 months ago
Posted by “jazzKat” on April 08, 2022.
Not got the room videos done yet (but have others), take a look at the Studio Toolkit as it can be used to make rooms. Else have a look here. Rooms can be tricky the more complex they are, although the underlying structure is the same.
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7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 07, 2022.
You are most welcome, @BlairPathea You may contact me if you wish. I do encourage others to post in public with issues, questions, etc. as those posts help other people who are having same or similar situations. Any way that makes you feel comfortable is fine.
~Enjoy Life
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7 months ago
Posted by “BlairPathea” on April 07, 2022.
@LestatDeLioncourt Thank you so much for the feedback. I will definitely get on learning about those. I'm interested to see how quickly I grasp onto it. I hope you don't mind if I message you for help and advice?
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 04, 2022.
Hi @BlairPathea I would choose a 3d Mesh Editor software. One requirement is it needs to export into the .FXB File Format. Some of the more popular editors are 3d Max, Blender and Sketchup and may have IMVU Tool Kits available for them. These software programs are commonly used with IMVU Modeling and many have tutorials for these and how to make various products. Tutorials can be found searching the Web on your choice.
I would recommend learning the Mesh Editor (of your choice) by making simple Furniture. The concepts of making simple furniture items (ball, box, pyramid, chair, desk, bookshelves, etc. ) can be easily transferred to making rooms :)
I hope this helps...
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Posted by “BlairPathea” on April 03, 2022.
So i've been part of IMVU for years, this account is my new account that i've built over the years, so it doesn't actually show how long i've been here. I've always been very curious and interested in creating things of my own. I have a very unique style that i've been able to get close to or similar with other creators, by deriving, but i want to be able to create my own products based on what i like and want. I think my biggest want is wanting to build my own rooms from scratch or have help from someone. Its a very tedious process and i'm not exactly sure where to start on my own. I've tried watching videos and learning, but i feel as if i need som guidance and tips from someone who does it regularly. Any help, tips and advice would be super appreciated.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “jazzKat” on April 08, 2022.
[Archived]Not got the room videos done yet (but have others), take a look at the Studio Toolkit as it can be used to make rooms. Else have a look here. Rooms can be tricky the more complex they are, although the underlying structure is the same.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 07, 2022.
[Archived]You are most welcome, @BlairPathea You may contact me if you wish. I do encourage others to post in public with issues, questions, etc. as those posts help other people who are having same or similar situations. Any way that makes you feel comfortable is fine.
~Enjoy Life
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “BlairPathea” on April 07, 2022.
[Archived]@LestatDeLioncourt Thank you so much for the feedback. I will definitely get on learning about those. I'm interested to see how quickly I grasp onto it. I hope you don't mind if I message you for help and advice?
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on April 04, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @BlairPathea I would choose a 3d Mesh Editor software. One requirement is it needs to export into the .FXB File Format. Some of the more popular editors are 3d Max, Blender and Sketchup and may have IMVU Tool Kits available for them. These software programs are commonly used with IMVU Modeling and many have tutorials for these and how to make various products. Tutorials can be found searching the Web on your choice.
I would recommend learning the Mesh Editor (of your choice) by making simple Furniture. The concepts of making simple furniture items (ball, box, pyramid, chair, desk, bookshelves, etc. ) can be easily transferred to making rooms :)
I hope this helps...
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