[Archived - jilly10] Missing products in catalog. Or; How long does it take for items passing peer review to enter the catalog?

Posted 7 months ago by Community

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Community Admin

Posted by “jilly10” on November 06, 2023.


Hi! I signed up last year, made a few products. Things happened and took a break.

I had this problem last year and I think I made a post about it but I seem to be having this issue again.


I hit Tier 2 last year but got dropped back to Tier 1 again when I started creating again last month or so, understandable.

I managed to hit Tier 7 in just this month and got "Pro" status with literally no sales points. Now I am kind of understanding why this is.


My shop seems broken.


I am asking if someone could please check my catalog and tell me how many items they see there? I asked a friend and they told me how many which was totally wrong but I assumed the items were missing because of some database maintenance happening so I read here. These items were missing from my view, even though I was signed in. The items re-appeared shortly after and I saw the items back again.


Well, I've just used another Operating System and a different browser twice this evening and I only have 16 items listed there. This seems really strange.

I have submitted 34 items since the 27th of October and only 16 items are showing in my shop from that browser, none of the items are AP. What is also strange is that from that browser, viewing my avatar page the items show in the shop widget there but not in the catalog.


Forgive me for sounding bitter but I really am wondering why I am paying for VIP and to create when I see the shop flooded with items that are derived from (great designers!) with no changes whatsoever and those items go straight into the catalog.

Meanwhile I have spent time making meshes and textures from scratch and yet these are not even seen or entered.


How can I get to Tier 7 without making any sales points by just sheer production and peer review. It's really beyond my comprehension how this works.


I have peer reviewed 700 items over the month, hence probably why I hit a higher Tier, however this does not seem to make my items pass any faster than what it seemed to take from last year. They are not even entered into the catalog and I have waited days upon end for 1 item with others passed almost instantly with much higher ID numbers.


I am also struggling to understand why a few of my votes were incorrect when it states clearly on the guidelines what is allowed. Admittedly I made a few mistakes but still. I think the guidelines need to be altered if people are passing things ignoring the policy regarding catalog icons and MCG.


I appreciate any help and explanation regarding this, I hope this is not coming off as a rant but it's just a bit disheartening to see that's all.


Thank you!


attached screenshot of catalog, there should be 42 items, it shows 16.


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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on November 08, 2023.


Yes, it is a quirk to our advantage, the newest products *do* show on our Homepages. I do agree the PR system needs a major revamp. So many have been screaming this for years. Protect our children!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jilly10” on November 08, 2023.


I can understand what you are saying and thank you for your informative and thorough answers. I am stil trying to get used to how IMVU works.


I haven't submitted any AP items (yet?) but that's good to know.


Sorry, I don't want to seem fussy here. I'd just like to know why it does show on my avatar page even when I'm logged out (completely different OS). To me that just doesn't make any sense at all if the item is still visible there and people can still see and access it while logged out from my avatar page. Do you not think so?


As a digression on to misrated items, I know you directed me to the PR thread which I have commented on previously (it's a bit difficult clicking the more answers to read it all). There are plenty of items I've seen that are in the catalog that seem to fail the policy that I could flag and I've done that with some of them. Looks like they have been there years, and been derived from. I do not think this PR and voting system is too great if people are scared to get incorrect votes and they pass through. It makes the whole PR system a bit of a joke and a huge delay but I can completely understand why it is necessary. To me as a relatively new reviewer it gives me the thought of either skipping them completely (passing the burden on to someone else) or getting it through and flagging later, kind of defeats the point of it.


Anyway, I don't want to annoy anyone with the little details, just trying to make sense of it. I appreciate your answers. Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain all this!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on November 08, 2023.


@jilly10​ said, "checked again on a different browser which isn't logged in"...


You won't see the newer products, just like a new person would not see them. This is unless they are Logged In. People who are not logged in are "protected" from misrated items. This is just like the GA Audience cannot see them for a couple of weeks or so...



  • No AP Items are shown to people who are not logged in.
  • No Newer items (a couple of weeks old) are shown to people who are not logged in.



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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jilly10” on November 08, 2023.


@MightySe7en​ I see 42 items right now while logged in, this wasn't the case last week or so, most of the items disappearing completely even while logged in, I ask a friend and that was confirmed, like all of the recent products I submitted gone. I had a huge panic. I was figuring this was because of database maintenance after reading something about that here. They re-appeared a few hours afterwards so didn't think much of it.

I have just checked again on a different browser which isn't logged in on another OS and there are 17 items showing. The latest product (pink nails) does appear on my avatar page in the "My New Products" widget but not in the "old" site shop listing. This is why I make the post, it just seems weird that.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “MightySe7en” on November 08, 2023.


@jilly10​ Do you see the correct number of items now? When I check I see 42 items on both classic and NEXT shops

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “jilly10” on November 06, 2023.


I did mean 27th September and not October in fact.


The product that you mentioned is the last one that I uploaded. It was only from a different browser on another OS that I noticed this being while being logged out. Seeing that really made me feel bad that my items were not showing, especially after seeing so many others being gone straight into the catalog and after waiting so long.


I have checked the product visibility for the items and in the product list they all have the green dot, and also the "Y" detailed at this link




It was the advice I was given when asking friend to look at my catalog, to check searchable and if they are visible but they did not see half of my items when I had the problems either, being not a new user here.


Thank you for reading the post, I know it was long. I do very much appreciate you checking my catalog, for the prompt reply and the suggestions and advice you have given.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on November 06, 2023.


Sorry, miss post

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on November 06, 2023.



Hi @ I see your newest item as the pid=65511490. Some reasons why others may not see your newest products. 


   Of course, if an item is rated as AP, the GA audience will not see it but I do know when something comes out of Peer Review it may not be visible to the public for a short, delayed time period. 


   Newer people cannot see newly created items for a short period of time (approx. 2 weeks). This is to allow the IMVU rating system to complete and ensure no infractions.


It may also be possible products are accidentally hidden. Login to your account and go to your catalog. Look carefully at each product icon area to see if a Red Dot is showing. This means they are hidden. Click the product page and click on the Green Dot (bottom right corner) to make sure they are visible. 


As far as Peer Review, others are discussing this and similar topics in the Official Peer Review Thread https://help.imvu.com/s/question/0D51L00004vZea5SAC/


I think you will find it interesting and more answers. Many others have had this issue and they posted their responses there.


If your product still has an issue over 5 to 7 days (with no editing), I would discuss it with IMVU Staff in a Help Case.


How to contact Customer Service: How to File and Respond to a Ticket: http://im.vu/help396




I hope this helps.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on November 06, 2023.



Hi @ I see your newest item as the ????????????. Some reasons why other may not see your newest products. 


   Of course if an item is rated as AP, the GA audience will not see them but I do know when something comes out of Peer Review it may not be visible to the public for a short, delayed time-period. 


   Newer people cannot see newly created items for a short period of time (approx. 2 weeks). This is to allow the IMVU rating system to complete and make sure on no infractions.


   It may also be possible products are accidentally hidden. Login to your account and go to your catalog. Look carefully at each product icon area to see of a Red Dot is showing. This means they are hidden. Click the product page and click on the Green Dot (bottom right corner) to make sure they are visible. 


I hope this helps.

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