Really I'm being made more difficult than I'm being helped
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7 months ago
Posted by “RigsK” on March 01, 2022.
Hi @Xajamarha!
Thank you for bringing this up. Since there are so many folks in these Learning Session calls, we use Q&A instead of chat, so that we can focus on answering as many questions as possible. Attendees can use the Q&A feature to ask a question, and we answer as many of them as we can during the session. If we are unable to get to a question during the session we answer it in our recap.
That said, we do understand that one-on-one chat is convenient and will keep this in mind for the future.
Thank you!
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Xajamarha” on February 26, 2022.
It isn't
Guys always want this.
Ever thaught about people who are Deaf mute ?
It Disturb the privicy also.
I like to see more chat's for creators to leurn
NOt this triks what guys want
In the past there ware less guys and we want it more but now I regred it
0 Votes
7 months ago
Posted by “Beauly” on February 26, 2022.
Hi! @Xajamarha I think that's normal, as long as it doesn't interfere with your right to privacy asking questions about imvu directly with the camera and mic is something that's effective.
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Posted by “Xajamarha” on February 22, 2022.
[Archived]IMVU Studio Learning Session LIVE! ???
Why with Cam and mic?
Why is there not a normal chat with helpers?
Really I'm being made more difficult than I'm being helped
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “RigsK” on March 01, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @Xajamarha!
Thank you for bringing this up. Since there are so many folks in these Learning Session calls, we use Q&A instead of chat, so that we can focus on answering as many questions as possible. Attendees can use the Q&A feature to ask a question, and we answer as many of them as we can during the session. If we are unable to get to a question during the session we answer it in our recap.
That said, we do understand that one-on-one chat is convenient and will keep this in mind for the future.
Thank you!
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Xajamarha” on February 26, 2022.
[Archived]It isn't
Guys always want this.
Ever thaught about people who are Deaf mute ?
It Disturb the privicy also.
I like to see more chat's for creators to leurn
NOt this triks what guys want
In the past there ware less guys and we want it more but now I regred it
0 Votes
Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Beauly” on February 26, 2022.
[Archived]Hi! @Xajamarha I think that's normal, as long as it doesn't interfere with your right to privacy asking questions about imvu directly with the camera and mic is something that's effective.
0 Votes