[Archived - 4u] Changing Icons

Posted 7 months ago by Community

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Community Admin

Posted by “4u” on May 29, 2022.


I have a lot of products I've made that show useless icons of the full avatar, the new icon software means that for many of these ( not all ) I can now use a better angle /zoom of the product. Last night I spent like 3 hours opening older products I've made in Studio and up dating the icon, click save and then resubmit.

Today I noticed many are still on the same icon, so I went back thru, opened them in Studio.. and they are back to same dub icons.. so I changed again and same thing.


I thought it might have been cashe related so I did a manual delete of Desktop beta and IMVU Classic but nah old icons are back


So the question is, How do we change icons, and why does an icon change in studio, flip the product back through peer review?

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on June 01, 2022.


I am inquiring about the changing of icons. I have also asked about by-passing PR if only the icon (or any 'Info' panel only) changes are made.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on May 30, 2022.


Hey @4u​ I had a couple of stubborn products do that. The icons remain unchanged. I went further into the edit of the product and toggled some settings and then changed the icon. They remained afterward. I guess, some have to have more changed, to make the index to change and remember? I don't know, I have not done many that way, so it is hard to confirm at this point. Try it and let us know?


Most of my products are derive locked and I will have to turn in Help Ticket on each one to change the icons :/ Once I have time for the process (next 10 days), I will be turning in 20 to 100 items a day so I can edit icons in studio.


My question is why do we have to get permission to edit icons on derive-locked products? The product is Not Changed. Only the Marketing Side is Changed.


I vote highly for "If only the Studio Icon is changed, a swift return to the catalog". Makes good sense to me...


Perhaps @RigsK​ can go to "bat" for us on these issues? :D

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