can someone please explain how product tags work, once I submit to pr half of the tags are deleted (at random not in any type of order) and whats left are tags that are my least prefered. help plz <3
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7 months ago
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on June 09, 2022.
Hi @VSparklez The tags should be unique to each other. Tags should be separated by commas only. Multiple work tages should be in quotation marks. No Spaces unless they are inside quotation marks as shown.
Correct Tag Insertion for a Tree product (example):
Incorrect Taag Insertion w/ Duplicate Tags (that are not inside quotation marks)
tree,branch.leaves,roots,oak tree
The tag engine would be confused by the one directly above. It would remove tree as it is not inside quotation marks (with Oak Tree)The word tree would be considered a duplicate key tag.
I hope this helps...
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Posted by “VSparklez” on June 09, 2022.
[Archived]can someone please explain how product tags work, once I submit to pr half of the tags are deleted (at random not in any type of order) and whats left are tags that are my least prefered. help plz <3
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on June 09, 2022.
[Archived]Hi @VSparklez The tags should be unique to each other. Tags should be separated by commas only. Multiple work tages should be in quotation marks. No Spaces unless they are inside quotation marks as shown.
Correct Tag Insertion for a Tree product (example):
tree,branch.leaves,roots,oak,"Spanish Moss",green,maple,etc,more
Incorrect Taag Insertion w/ Duplicate Tags (that are not inside quotation marks)
tree,branch.leaves,roots,oak tree
The tag engine would be confused by the one directly above. It would remove tree as it is not inside quotation marks (with Oak Tree)The word tree would be considered a duplicate key tag.
I hope this helps...
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