[Archived - DiamondBones] Is there an easier way to add many particles?
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Posted by “DiamondBones” on August 28, 2022.
[Archived]I'd like to add small magical particles falling out of each spike tip
I'm really interested in the hollowed "Disk" feature in the particles "Origin" section.
1- Before I spend hours trial and erroring my way to test this, can someone tell me if it's at least currently theoretically possible to take the disk type origin and have the particles equally spaced out?
2- Would imvu consider adding the option to cancel out some particles by letting us choose an Origin preset shape Type, then add in which parameters we want voided? This way we can have a circle & rectangular horse shoe shape, and possibly create other shapes too, like a sphere turned into a crescent moon, etc.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “DiamondBones” on September 01, 2022.
[Archived]@Drosselmeyer Woohoo! ^_^
ok, so instead of a particle coming out of each spike, I'll try every other to reduce them by half at least, or even every 3rd.
Honestly, I got this idea from Emissions since when used on high it tends to bleed out of the texture, which is really special honestly. It's almost like faking an extra opacity map glow texture that most derivers don't have the ability to bring in.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on August 31, 2022.
[Archived]So basically if I wanted to make it look like there are particles squirting out of only the tips of my collar's spikes ... I'd need to make individual particles and position them on each spike tip.
^Correct. A particle system for each spike.
I wonder if adding more individual particles would effect performance.
^Probably not if you are adding only 8 particle systems AND they are each emitting few particles, like a rate of less than 20 for each system, maybe. Ideally, it would be best to have 1 particle system, but for now see if you can make this work.
I like your suggestion for being able to evenly space the emission of particles. I will bring it up with the team.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “DiamondBones” on August 31, 2022.
[Archived]@Drosselmeyer ok, yeah, this was what I was worried for. But still good to know that it will always be random instead of evenly.
So basically if I wanted to make it look like there are particles squirting out of only the tips of my collar's spikes, using disk will make them come out all around the collar, not just out of their spike tips, as this is too specific and I'd need to make individual particles and position them on each spike tip.
I wonder if adding more individual particles would effect performance. I know in the classic client, the more you add, the more it lags. I know the new platform handles performance better, but this is still a lot of different particles to add to each spike-tip for this product, I think there's over 10 of them. I don't think I want to do that XD
Do you think maybe sometime in the future imvu would want to add a non-random feature? Like this?
Input how many sources
Distance from eachother
Max Count ?
I'd imagine would have to add something for either keeping all of them random or even within their own sources too, as well as how far they can expand.
Might sound fun to me, but not sure how others would receive it or if it's worth spending time to make it if it won't be used by most. I know there are some particle queens here, maybe they'd have more of an idea of what are the most important features needed for particles?
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on August 31, 2022.
[Archived]1 - They will emit from random locations within the shape and the direction they travel will be determined by setting under 'Direction' and 'Random Displacement' (if it is on) in the Advanced panel. There is currently no way to evenly space particles. Here is an illustration of what I mean for a "Disk" Origin with an inner and outer radius which are close to each other. The red dots are particles.
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “DiamondBones” on August 31, 2022.
1 - Yes! But will the particles be equally spaced apart within it's dimension? Or randomly fly about within them?
2 - It's ok to give us challenges :> Can add it to the advanced section lol Boolean Shapes, sounds cute!
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Community posted 7 months ago Admin
Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on August 30, 2022.
1 - Yes, you can create a disk emitter (origin) that is like a flat donut where the particles emit from a "ring". You would need to play with the 'Radius' 'Start' and 'End' amounts. If you make this close to one another (e.g.: 0.9 and 1.0) you will have particles that emit in a donut shape. This technique also works for 'Cylinder' and 'Sphere'.
2 - Oohhhh. That is cheeky. What you are asking for is to be able to create 'Boolean' shapes! I love it! I think what might be more user friendly would be to be able to use an object as an emitter shape. The problem from a programming standpoint is determining the the "bounding volume" of the shape would be computationally expensive. The Boolean shapes would be computationally less expensive be difficult to describe/communicate to the user. We added the "Particles" visual aids because it is really hard as a user to be able to know where/what the shapes of the origin (emitter) are. None the less I will bring this up with our tech team.
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