[Archived - Lexique] IMVU+ eyes - is there any benefit to devving eyes in IMVU Studio?

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Community Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on December 09, 2022.


Hello! I have been playing with eyes in IMVU studio. I have not found many people even currently devving eyes in IMVU Studio and those who are, are devving the same as in classic - no extra maps. But it seemed that this would be a very special thing to take advantage of directional lighting through IMVU+... That special glint in the eye… So I created a shiny map - many varieties I tried! And then even created a normal map of the eye, and then use a normal map of a sphere. But nothing ever actually changed. Then I got to looking at the actual shape of the IMVU eye, I realized that even though it is round, it is in fact flat on the visible part. So it will never reflect correctly because the correct shape is simply not there. Is there anything I’m missing here? Will my eyes be forever glintless? Anyway, with all of the eyes being made nowadays with very nice built-in reflections perhaps it would just add confusion.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “4u” on December 12, 2022.


@Lexique​ Yeah mine are just attached to the head and I positioned them for the head that I wear. Anything you add to custom heads is the same

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on December 12, 2022.


Well that explained a lot. I thought it was interesting that the sparkles from 4u's product were just in the outer corners of my eye. So now I've tried it on all of my heads and see how it's completely different for each head. I can see that it would be best to label the head just like one does for makeup and lashes.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on December 12, 2022.


Hi @Lexique​ From my playing around with Eye "Lens" and adding to it for the reflection, I have found you can attach and Lens to the Eye (Contacts LoL) that will work this way! The issue I found is from changing "Head to Head" (Head Compatibility) there is about a 1 inch difference. I guess you could pick a very popular head and add the Contacts to the Eye with precision for reflection. If you derive from a particular Head, others could derive it.


I love unique ideas :)

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on December 12, 2022.


LoL on the "unknown side effects". Thank you for sharing what you have done. I have played with your item in the studio, which is quite creative! It does give me some ideas, thank you! With the eye being flat at the visible part, I wonder if I'll have any luck at this point of making a map that changes its reflection based on the angle of the head in a room with a light source. If I could put a 100% transparent rounded covering over the eye... but then it would only work when my eyes were wide open. I've a mind to simply make several that seem to reflect based on different light sources until the time comes that the eye itself is capable of responding to the direction of the light source.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “4u” on December 11, 2022.


Waiting for IMVU can have unknown sideeffects.. ask 4u @Lexique​ you can mesh or derive an eyeskin that will shows sparkles or shines in the eye. I tested but I know there's many more in the catalogue mines "product 61893974" still in peer

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on December 10, 2022.


@Drosselmeyer, thanks for taking time to reply. I am looking forward to seeing these features open up. And I’m glad you mentioned the skin because that was my next frontier, and so I’ll not go through the process of trying. I wondered if it would be possible to wear a full body tattoo that is completely transparent (ie, invisible) but has shiny maps. However this wouldn’t extend to the face, unless it was also wearing an invisible “helmet” (covering the eyes even!). Anyway, I’m not really your best choice of a beta tester since I’m such a noob. However, I’m interested enough to offer and somewhat mathematical - and a noob always figures out how to break things you didn’t think about, so please keep me in mind!

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on December 10, 2022.


LestatDeLioncourt, Thank you so much for these good reasons why it’s good to stick to imvu+. Well at this point I think we all know that classic client is still far more robust than any of the Next clients, however I’m excited about the things happening with imvu studio and I intend to stick with it. It doesn’t help progress if everyone gives up right away and abandons ship. And the added features are starting to catch on.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on December 10, 2022.


Hi @Lexique​, Oh yes. We soooo want to have shine, glow, and normal maps work with both skins and eyes. We have major improvement to how materials work that will be released soon and hopefully allow for this to work. I am very excited for this to be coming.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on December 10, 2022.


Hi @Lexique​ IMVU is aware to the reflection and some other issues. There is no date for these to be fixed or if they can be fixed with the current, available avatars.


Beyond this, the advantage to deriving in the Studio is you will get "credit" for Tiers and the IMVU+ Banner in the catalog. It seems may of the new users are aware of the IMVU+ Banner and tend to shop those more. You can benefit from extra sales and extra Tier Points.


I hope this helps...

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Lexique” on December 09, 2022.


thanks for your response. I did derive from imvu studio, they just look as if I derived from classic.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “ShopTina” on December 09, 2022.


I, with much frustration, found out that you unfortunately cannot Derive eyes in studio because of the texture, maps, and how the eyes are technically coded in the client, I guess? I’ve been playing with eyes for about three years now, and nothings working. They literally have to fix it in order for shine maps, and glow maps to show properly in not only the studio client, but the client inside Mobile. It’s very frustrating to those of us. Who do I text yours and want to make a textures to sell to clients with glints and the reflections and the slight glow and all that. So we hang on with bated breath, and hope they fix it, soon.

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