[Archived - DiamondBones] Gender Swapping Category Question.

Posted 7 months ago by Community

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Community Admin

Posted by “DiamondBones” on January 18, 2023.


If we change the gender of a product from male to female only, it will display in the female category? And vice versa? But if we make it unisex, it will remain in the original category, function as a proper unisex item in the Classic Client, but stay locked as the original gender on the new apps unless we visit the CClient to put it on or save it in a Look?



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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on January 28, 2023.


At the same time, avatar PETs Category, p-l-e-a-s-e ?


I think the Gender Neutral and Pets would go hand-in-hand :)

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on January 27, 2023.



  • Product icons we generate are tied to category
  • Category determines visibility in the Inventory and Shop
  • Gender/Compatibility determines whether a product can be worn
  • I agree, a Gender Neutral (Unisex) category would be great and I have pitched this

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “brrrrrrrrrrrr” on January 26, 2023.


If it can help....

Tried putting on a Unisex Product (PosePack, Mood - Female set to Unisex, Female Icon) on a Male Avatar in Mobile (main screen + in a room).

It shows up in Female Inventory under Clothing>Accessory but not in the Male inventory.

Putting the Unisex product on the Male Avi changed the avatar to the default Female Avatar in both main screen and room.

The product stays included in the outfit when I go wearing it into a room or when saved as a "look" but the triggers don't show up.


Checked with another Product (57970413, Male Accessory set to Female, Male Icon).

It shows up in Male Inventory under Clothing>Accessory but can't put it on.

Not found in Female Inventory but when I put it on in Classic it updated on Mobile and was on (can take it off and back on again but it won't populate afterwards).

The Mobile Product Icon of the Product is a male figure.


Last Product (Female Eyes set to Unisex, Female Icon)

Shows up only in Female Inventory and is only usable on mobile for Female Avi.


Do the Product Icons set in studio have a role in where the item is assigned to?

Will selecting a Female Product Icon for a Female Product derived from a Male Product change this assignment and cause the product to show up in the Female Inventory and be usable?




It would be nice to have a unisex category in inventory.

If not, how about a combo deal for same product that is submitted to both male and female catalogs? (like an option to duplicate a product with only changing gender at a reduced fee)

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “Drosselmeyer” on January 20, 2023.


I have to keep checking this, but last I investigated this is the expected behavior on all platforms, but is currently only working 100% on Classic Client:

  • If you derive from a female product and change the compatibility to 80,191 it will be able to be worn by female or male, but only be found in the female catalog.
  • If you derive from a male product and change the compatibility to 191,80 it will be able to be worn by female or male, but only be found in the male catalog.
  • If you derive from a female product and change the compatibility to 191 it will be able to be worn by only male, but only be found in the female catalog.
  • If you derive from a male product and change the compatibility to 80 it will be able to be worn by only female, but only be found in the male catalog.

The search results are driven by the catalog category which cannot be changed. The wearability is driven by the compatibility (80 and/or 191), there are bugs with wearing these products on Next shop and Inventory. You cannot current wear gender compatibility swapped products in Next.

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Community posted 7 months ago Admin

Posted by “LestatDeLioncourt” on January 19, 2023.


Short answer... If set for Unisex, both genders can use it *if* it is in their inventory.


The shops are only showing the "proper" gender at this time. If set to Female, they must be bought for the female catalog, etc.

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