[Archived - Rainraina] How to change email on mobile
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[Archived - aloneforever999] How come every time I close the game and get back on it I get logged out of my account
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[Archived - jaylen2you] i put the wrong age how do i change it
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[Archived - Bella93389] Hi so I'm new to Imvu and I bought something not realizing it and only be worn on males avatars. Am I able to get a refund?
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[Archived - katieblahblah] Password reset
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[Archived - Fof23] @Fof23
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[Archived - JJIsDaddy1] Why isn’t it letting me purchase anything in the imvu store
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[Archived - tabitdarkpastelb3e80] I want to unlock my account. Proof of age
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[Archived - Groot33] why can't i send friend rqs to anyone?
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[Archived - Nora307331] Sorry if you can't help but my cousin changed my email and I can't change it and I was wondering if you can help me please
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