[Archived - KennaS1998] Pedofile
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[Archived - Raven231058] Just To Help Anyone Who Was Wondering:
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[Archived - Kay396794] How do i hide my location on imvu?
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[Archived - MoeMoe96] When will mobile users be able to decorate rooms in IMVU mobile , i have it on my phone or ipad and i cant edit or do my furniture ?
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[Archived - dannny13] Nothing I just want my account to stop saying it’s on hold it dose not lemme buy any clothes and I have 3k coins on IMVU
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[Archived - notecec] Is your CID number the same as your “member number”?
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[Archived - Disha740517] What's my password
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[Archived - Disha740517] Why i can't able to forget password
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[Archived - Guzel2] I mistakenly deleted the account, how can I restore this account
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[Archived - Boonkman] Why can't I send a gift to a friend?
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